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My 4 Year old wants to do school...

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dd at 2 3/4 will be doing right start A, progressive phonics (has beginning readers and advanced phonics), starfall (also has beginning readers). We may also pick up MCP K Phonics to supplement the websites and give her some non-computer phonics time.

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My 4 year old will be doing MEP Reception, Learning letters/sounds, HWT and I planned several units on various themes (i.e. community, all about me, ocean life and we do an author study each year, so she'll participate in that). This is only b/c she demands to do school! LOL Much to her disdain I am not teaching her to read fast enough ("Mama, I can't only read 'the' and my name, you need to teach me more words to read!"). Phew, that 3rd one of mine! :)

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I am doing quite a bit with my 4.5 year old. She loves to do school and really thrives on it, plus I feel like I am holding her back by NOT doing it!


(This is officially her preschool year)


Progressive Phonics, starfall, reading eggs, BOB books, and lots of reading aloud.


A couple of Lesson Pathways math lessons over the summer, then Singapore 1A and Miquon starting in the fall.


Mommy-made worksheets for handwriting, possibly Handwriting Without Tears in the fall, depending on how much she's progressed.


Le Francais Facile jr.


Lesson Pathways science during the summer and Intro to Science from Elemental Science and nature journalling in the fall.


Some social studies type things designed on my own and from Lesson Pathways. Learning about holidays and various countries and stuch.


and of course PE, Art, Music, Bible reading thrown in for fun.


It seems like so much, but really it's only a couple hours a day, and she's always anxious to keep going, even after 2-3 hours of school!!


I really like Lesson Pathways, and it's free. I hardly ever use a lesson just how it is, but it provides an excellent starting point for planning your own lessons!

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We also did a lot with my 4 year old dd. We probably averaged an hour a day.


  • Reading using OPG, ETC (A-C), ReadingEggs.com, and ProgressivePhonics.com
  • RightStart Math A (a bit of MUS and Singapore)
  • Handwriting Without Tears - Pre-K and K
  • Spelling (All-About-Spelling Level 1)
  • FIAR (started with it, but then dropped it)
  • Artistic Pursuits
  • BFSU science
  • Lollipop Logic
  • Prehistory


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we started a bit before 3 with DS1 because he begged and begged for more :D there is nothing wrong with fostering a love of learning if the child is requesting it and having fun IMHO Now DS1 has made it about halfway through OPGTR and is working through Mcruffy and having a blast He still begs for more and more but I have been filling the time with more read aloud time ala sonlight because I also don't want to burn him out. Another great thing for kids this age is science kits. There are a lot of more preschool appropriate kits that are a blast to do. We like the little labs by thames and kosmos, the dora weather station, volcano models, fossil and relic digging (have a how to on my blog) and are now going to try out the pre-k kits from delta. Building a sense of wonder starting at an early age just fuels the desire to learn IMHO so go for it!

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Yeah, I get to go curriculum shopping! I was worried about starting him on school too early but he is just so eager to start. I think I will start him on OPGTTR and ETC primers. I'm still not sure about math but I am thinking Singapore earlybird. Thanks for the ideas!:)



We tried ETC, but my son is no where near writing. None of my sons were at that age. I adore OPGTR, and highly suggest it. It is not fun, we use the white board, chalk, magnets, almost anything. My son never sees the book. He is over half way through and reading McGuffey 1st well, we also have Sonlight books, HOP, and other misc books.


Another thought maybe would be the Berenstain Big Book of Science, and if you want some hands on check out Handleonthearts.com they have hands on ideas in their package for it. We really enjoyed it. ( It is for Sonlights P 4/5 science but BBB is 90 % of it. )


For math we did Singapore first, then went to Saxon, and now have MEP ( free ) and Math Mammoth. I have a math lover.


My son loves mazes, I print some out daily. LOL


Read, read, read, and enjoy.

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We've also been doing quite a bit at 4. Similar to others, we use OPG, HWT, FIAR and some ETC primers (although I'm phasing those out since she is fine with the letter sounds). For math, we're doing Saxon k 3 days a week and MEP reception the other two days. I tweak the math quite a lot to make it more fun for us. We skip the Meeting part of Saxon, and I add a lot of homemade games. I think my favorite part about doing pre K (and K, too, I'm guessing) is all the fun, creative things we can do. I love using lots of manipulatives and making up my own games to reinforce our phonics and math.

I havn't decided how much I like Saxon K yet. I know we won't continue with it next year, but the games with shapes and teddy bear counters are pretty fun. I think with my ds I'll start with Miquon and MEP Reception at 4 (at least playing with rods, maybe not doing Miquon workbook), and then SM Earlybird at 5.

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