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Please tell me how to deal with neighbor's non-stop barking terrier

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Try the $10 no bark little thing right away... just to see if it'll work! My mom has had great success with hers... and now I have with my dog. There's also a little bird house looking one that can work, too! That's between $25 and $50. I think the "birdhouse" one has a greater distance it works... it goes off when the dog barks... without you having to be out. I met someone with two dogs that takes it camping... just because it works if dogs around it start to bark.


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I just need to say that anyone suggesting harming the dogs is in my books as bad a person as the owners who are not being responsible about ensuring the animals in their care are not a nuisance.


I think that's an awful thing to suggest. There's nothing funny about it. :glare: And the rescue I volunteer for has had dogs come in with wounds from being shot - awful. Pellets will get lodged very deeply in their tissues & it can be very difficult to get them out.


I really think that they were joking... really..... just joking!! ( I hope...) Otherwise, if it's like here... even if it's in your own yard... even just to a target... it's illegal... besides all the other issues....



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I would second (third?) the note if you don't want to talk to them first. We have a beagle with separation anxiety and had no idea how much noise he was making while we were gone. He would be in the garage while we were gone and I guess he was howling away. One day, we came home to a notice from animal control and then they stopped by later that day. Since he was actually in our home, there was nothing they could do, but encouraged us to try and find a solution.


For us, it was very frustrating to not have been approached by a neighbor, even anonymously. We live in a quiet neighborhood and truly thought that we had good relationships with everyone. By just being reported to animal control, it made us question who it was and why they would rather we get in trouble instead of just dealing with the situation.




I would prefer my neighbor coming to me first (in a gentle manner). Otherwise it seems like unecessary tattling.

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I would like to know more about this device. what's it called? Is it harmful to the pet? Soes it actually train them not to bark or do they just not bark when they are wearing it? My mom and some neighbors have barking dogs (I'm sure the other neighbors are annoyed because I sure am when I go over there).


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We use a bark collar for our basset. He's a HUGE barker and we have tried everything for him. I got him a bark collar. He got shocked twice with it on right off the bat. He hasn't gotten shocked since (that I have seen). He has learned that when he wears it, he shouldn't bark. Now, when the collar is off, all bets are off. I'm thinking when he's older maybe he won't have to wear it all day long, but he's just a pup now (1 year old). He learned how loudly he can get away with barking also...he can do a low rumbly bark and not get 'hit'.


The one I have has 3 levels of 'shock'. The first bark they get nothing. The second bark they get hit just a tiny bit (it makes my dog sneeze) and the third bark, they get more of a shock.


I know many feel that this is inhumane, but honestly, it's much more desirable than my neighbor's having to listen to him all day long when I'm not home. He doesn't wear it when I'm home because I call him inside when I'm home and he barks.

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BB guns do NOT shoot pellets. Pellet guns have alot more power than a cheap little BB gun. BB's do NOT get lodged under the skin when administered properly. Using a BB gun is at least as effective as a bark collar, which administers electroshock therapy.



I have seen bb's imbedded in the skin of dogs when I was a vet tech. Some can really pack enough of a punch to do so. They can also be used to kill small critters BIL used to use his for hunting small things when her was young.


They would not likely be as effective as a shock collar-since the dog will not get a correction every time. They also make collars that spray citronella at the dog's nose as a deterrant instead of giving a shock.


Personally, I do not use shock collars. I know some people that have as a last resort only after extensive obedience training without good success on a particular issue - Emphasis on the after extensive training. I am considering an electronic fence around my property for when I am out in the yard though - we do have a fenced yard to let the dogs run in. The shock and citronella collars and fence collars are designed to be used on pets and there are different types, settings to be used on different weights/sensitivities. That is not true of a BB gun, which was not made for the purpose of training dogs.


It is called "training", NOT animal cruelty or punishment. A BB is not any worse than a shock collar. Spend some time in the country and deal with these nuisance animals then see how you feel. Sometimes a person is forced to train their neighbor's animals.



I bet a talk with some animal care and control officers would give you a different view. I am sure that in many areas that would be considered animal cruelty. I may e-mail my friends in KS on the shelter board and see what they say about it.


To me training involves actually working with the dog and teaching them what you want them to do-not taking pot shots over the fence. I've trained several dogs to do a variety of things and never shot one.


As stated above-the BB gun can be far worse than a shock collar-which is designed to be used on a dog.


I do live in the country-have all my life. I do and have had annoying neighbors that are irresponsibe with their pets. I, however, would not be likely to shoot a dog or anything else with anything unless it was a direct threat to me or mine-annoying barking on the neighbor's property (OP did not mention the dog being in her yard and barking that I can remember) does not even closely rise to that level. I am not shy on calling the neighbors and complaining though.



We have treated our neighbors and our own dogs this way with NO signs of aggression. As with any training technique there is a proper administration. Of course, there are bad apples in every group.


I didn't say it would for sure lead to it-but it has the ability. My friend with the dog shot with bb's upthread did end up with issues of this manner with young men and older boys. That is likely who did it. Before the instances where Winston was shot, he had been obedience trained and well-socialized. They are sure it happened a number of times-they thought he had a skin problem till one worked its way back out.


You stand in your doorway or outside, but away from your neighbor's fence, aim the BB gun at the dog's rear end. It will hurt them less than a barking collar. You will condition the dog, if it's smart, it will quit barking when you open your door. You could also fill an aluminum soda can with BBs or other noisy objects and throw it at the fence when the dog starts barking. If your neighbor refuses to train his dog and it's bothering you this much you might need to sit out in your yard to train the dog. Every time he starts barking administer a deterrent. Of course, if he's barking for a reason you wouldn't want to deter him; it IS his job.



I love using the can full of pennies (don's use bb's here) and recommended it in my classes often. I also used it with my own dogs. they were great for boobytrapping things like the counters and trash cans also.


You wouldn't want to correct a dog for barking if something was up-one of the reasons I am not fond of bark collars for that problem.


By the way, all you nay-sayers: I'm sure you could have voiced your opinions in a more diplomatic way with out the denigration.:glare: You were really very rude.[/quote


Yep- I am known for not mincing words. I did seriously think you were joking though-kind of sad you were not. I still would consider it animal cruelty and don't know any way to sugar coat that fact.

Edited by weaver_67579
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