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Oh, save me! I can't commit!

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The good part about being broke for our first year HSing was that I had so few options that I had to make do and be content. It actually worked out pretty well.


Now that I have money coming from the charter my options have expanded exponentially and I'm having a really hard time committing to my curriculum choices.


I had decided (HAVE decided! HAVE! present tense!) on Math Mammoth for my girls (5 and 7 yo). I bought the blue series (the topics) already.


But I just came across McRuffy Math and it looks great. Not as self-teaching but still really fun. Maybe I'll use Math Mammoth as back up. Maybe I'll use McRuffy as back up. Maybe McRuffy would work better for the 7 yo.


It's more or less the same issue with every other subject. Science is making me nuts.


I'm all about simple living, super relaxed homeschooling and this isn't simple or relaxed.


Someone please talk some sense into me!

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This is my problem exactly!! We're getting ready to start our first year HSing, and I've gone back and fourth on curriculums so many times. I finally decided that there is no "best" curriculum, and I'm not going to figure out what works until I just pick something. I purchased MM (light blue series), and then I decided to go with McRuffy LA, but then I noticed McRuffy Math. LOL, so at this point I'm just going to stick with my decision, and use MM. If it's not enough or doesn't work for one or all of my kids, then I'll try McRuffy. Just keep reminding yourself it isn't so much about finding the "perfect" curriculum, but more about just making your curriculum work for you. I loved the look of McRuffy's math manipulatives, and MM doesn't have so much for manipulatives. My dd (6), will most likely do better with manipulatives (I think anyways), so I'm just going to add in my own manipulatives but still use MM to teach her.


Now that I've made all my purchases and are no longer scouring review sites, I feel sooo much better! You'll feel better too once you just make your choice and stop thinking about all the other options you could be trying. It's so much more fun to now start dreaming about our days and starting to make up some sort of schedule with the choices I've made.

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but what's "the charter?"


And more importantly - how do we all get one! :lol:


I'm guessing you're getting funds from a charter school - awesome! If I knew then what I know now, I'd do Apologia science. Their elementary books are incredible and all about the things kids like to learn about anyway. Like you, we did elementary on a shoestring budget. An expensive book was $12.99. High school texts have been an eyeopener! :lol: I would have had a blast if someone else was footing the bill. :D

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We'll be homeschooling through a publicly funded charter school. They give us $$$ for secular curriculum, supplies and activities (e.g. dance) and in exchange I meet with a support person once a month and show her what we've been working on.


I have free reign in *what* I choose (as long as it's secular). Hence, my wee little breakdown.

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Public charter schools are not common depends on where you are. In CA, we have lots of them, partly because our public schools are not good, so more people homeschools their kids. They give you money to buy (secular) curriculum, give you free academic and free fun classes. In return, you have to check in with a teacher once every 5 weeks or so depends on your school. My school even have choirs, bands, drama team etc. Believe it or not, most teachers in my charter are christians and majority of them go to 1 particular church.

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So anyway... now that we all know what a charter is :D ...


I think I just don't like making mistakes. Yup. I'm a perfectionist and I do NOT like to feel like I've wasted money.


Plus, the "right choice" depends on whose POV I consider, kwim?


My POV: Math Mammoth is AWESOME! I'm not a confident math teacher and the workbooks pretty much take over, hold our hands, teach the student directly (mostly) and lead us through scary math waters. But, neither of my girls really like too much workbook stuff.


But from the DDs' POV, I think McRuffy would be better. They love games, puzzles and hands-on stuff. It just looks more fun, kwim?


OK, I can totally use the Math Mammoth stuff for extra practice, review, summers, etc. It's not wasted. It's.... supplementing!


(Oh no. I just remembered MEP. That's a great looking curriculum.)


Taking a deep breath and moving onto the next subject (phonics).

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This is my problem exactly!! We're getting ready to start our first year HSing, and I've gone back and fourth on curriculums so many times. I finally decided that there is no "best" curriculum, and I'm not going to figure out what works until I just pick something. I purchased MM (light blue series), and then I decided to go with McRuffy LA, but then I noticed McRuffy Math. LOL, so at this point I'm just going to stick with my decision, and use MM. If it's not enough or doesn't work for one or all of my kids, then I'll try McRuffy. Just keep reminding yourself it isn't so much about finding the "perfect" curriculum, but more about just making your curriculum work for you. I loved the look of McRuffy's math manipulatives, and MM doesn't have so much for manipulatives. My dd (6), will most likely do better with manipulatives (I think anyways), so I'm just going to add in my own manipulatives but still use MM to teach her.


Now that I've made all my purchases and are no longer scouring review sites, I feel sooo much better! You'll feel better too once you just make your choice and stop thinking about all the other options you could be trying. It's so much more fun to now start dreaming about our days and starting to make up some sort of schedule with the choices I've made.


That is so funny about the MM/McRuffy dilemma!


The bolded part is really helpful to me.


I get stuck in this mindset of wanting a beautiful, perfect plan with my curriculum choices all laid out at the beginning of the year. And, of course, we love them all and live happily ever after (long-time hs'ers, y'all can stop laughing now! :))


A beautiful but unlikely dream...

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So anyway... now that we all know what a charter is :D ...


I think I just don't like making mistakes. Yup. I'm a perfectionist and I do NOT like to feel like I've wasted money.


Plus, the "right choice" depends on whose POV I consider, kwim?


My POV: Math Mammoth is AWESOME! I'm not a confident math teacher and the workbooks pretty much take over, hold our hands, teach the student directly (mostly) and lead us through scary math waters. But, neither of my girls really like too much workbook stuff.


But from the DDs' POV, I think McRuffy would be better. They love games, puzzles and hands-on stuff. It just looks more fun, kwim?


OK, I can totally use the Math Mammoth stuff for extra practice, review, summers, etc. It's not wasted. It's.... supplementing!


(Oh no. I just remembered MEP. That's a great looking curriculum.)


Taking a deep breath and moving onto the next subject (phonics).



I think the looks of McRuffy would most likely fit my dd better too, but that's the thing, you just don't know for sure until you try. I'm also a major perfectionist and I hate the idea of wasting money. So I would suggest since you already have purchased the blue series, to start out with that approach and try to add in some fun math games/flash cards/manipulatives yourself. If it's not working or you're still not happy, then you can always purchase McRuffy after a month or two of giving MM a shot. :) Less money wasted this way! I was thinking to myself that as nice as McRuffy looks, MM seems to work for a lot of people, and I would hate to spend the money on McRuffy if MM works great for the kids.

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