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Hit Me With Your Best...Spanish Program


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I need a decent, productive Spanish program. We all dislike the one we currently use - it's hard to navigate (dvd based), they talk too quickly for my dc to understand the details and we have otherwise wasted an entire year "learning" Spanish. I'm happy to combine programs, use dvds, cds, books, whatever, just as long as we get it down during 7th and 8th grade.


What Spanish program have you loved?



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We use 2 programs. We're in FL so we can take Spanish free from FLVS so we do that during the school year. In summer we do the Spanish course on Unitedstreaming. This summer we're doing the middle school course. It is really good and the worksheets and teacher helps are great.

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Can you tell me more about Florida's FLVS program? I'm moving there in a few months so I'm :bigear:.


FLVS is Florida Virtual School. It is public and homeschoolers can enroll and take the courses free without it affecting their homeschool status. The courses are middle and high school level. We've taken many courses and have had very great experiences. The teachers are attentive and interested in the student and they are always available. The courses can be accessed at any time and can be done at the student's pace but there is a time by which they need to complete a course (very reasonable).

Here is a link to the site. You can view demos there too. Let me know if I can help you with anything more. :)


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FLVS is Florida Virtual School. It is public and homeschoolers can enroll and take the courses free without it affecting their homeschool status. The courses are middle and high school level. We've taken many courses and have had very great experiences. The teachers are attentive and interested in the student and they are always available. The courses can be accessed at any time and can be done at the student's pace but there is a time by which they need to complete a course (very reasonable).

Here is a link to the site. You can view demos there too. Let me know if I can help you with anything more. :)



I think I will check into what is avail in my state for doing this. I know of a charter that does this with the public schools statewide, and the upcoming fall at least one of our local districts are going online. Hmmm...



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Are the differences between FLVS and and the Virtual Academy (through k12.com):


=== FLVA is middle and high school only

=== The virtual Academy in MY district only allows my children to be eligible if they were enrolled the year prior or were in PS the year prior.




I had no idea FLVS would be an option for MS years......

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We were in VA this year and we did the PowerSpeak spanish and we liked it. I cannot say much more than that since we were still learning how to homeschool and spanish was the last on out list to figure out soo....we really let lt slide. I think if I were to pick it up again, I would choose powerspeak again.




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I know many people do not like Powerglide, but we used it in highschool for two girls and one of them remembers so much of it.


The other was more interested in Japanese and so that is her passion.


We are now using Rosetta Stone, but just received it and are so excited. It looks to be so complete.


I also just got the Powerglide Elementary this year at a thrift shop for 4 dollars with everything included so am going to be starting that with my 4rth grader this year.


Can you share what you have used up until now?


Dee :)



ps I could have used the FLVS, but I wanted the whole family to be able to use it.

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ICan you share what you have used up until now?




For Italian we used Rosetta Stone, but in combination with a tutor - that was great. But with Spanish, we used Auralog Tell Me More and no tutor and they have retained virtually nothing. A lot of it was guess work when it came to the activities and there seemed to be little flow or teaching; it felt highly disjointed to all of us. Finally, last month, we gave up. Maybe I'm unclear how to use the program; when I bought it, I thought I could print off worksheets, but I have never been able to figure out how or where to do such a thing.

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