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s/o teaching about s*x ed

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BTW, my DDs are 7 and 5 yo. One of them was adopted as an infant, and so most Christian sources don't really ring true for her -- mainly the idea that when a man and a woman fall in love and get married, THEN they have sex. Um... nope. That may be "God's design," but it's not true for her parents or many other people. Moral issues aside, marriage isn't required for sex to occur, and so I'd prefer sources that don't mention the couple's marital status.

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Guest Amy in MS
BTW, my DDs are 7 and 5 yo. One of them was adopted as an infant, and so most Christian sources don't really ring true for her -- mainly the idea that when a man and a woman fall in love and get married, THEN they have sex. Um... nope. That may be "God's design," but it's not true for her parents or many other people. Moral issues aside, marriage isn't required for sex to occur, and so I'd prefer sources that don't mention the couple's marital status.


It's Not the Stork is outstanding. Nice pictures. Good information. We check it out from the library frequently.

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I don't have any.


I answer my childrens' questions when I know what they are asking. I answer them gently, age -appropriately, and with respect to their needs. If my first answer satisfies, I leave it. If they ask for more, I ask questions: "What do you mean?" etc until I understand. When I am clear about the question, I answer gently, honestly, without fanfare, and then I ask if they have any questions/thoughts.

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