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Supplementing Math


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I've read so many threads about parents who are using several math curricula, that I'm starting to wonder if I should plan on doing that too. I will have a kindergartner and a first grader next year and I was planning on using MEP. Should I be supplementing that with another program?

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I will have a kindergartner and a first grader next year and I was planning on using MEP. Should I be supplementing that with another program?


If enough people say yes, will you do it? :-)


People who use MEP (solely or otherwise) all speak highly of it, and those who use it solely have said (on the MEP yahoogroup) that when used properly from yr 1 to yr 6, MEP will get a student ready for a US Algebra 1 text in gr 8/9.


Hope this helps you to stay with your first (and good) choice :-)

Edited by nansk
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I think MEP will be plenty for K and 1st graders (and probably beyond). My DS is finishing K and I haven't supplemented his math at all. I just added Math Mammoth to my DD (finishing 2nd) since she needs extra practice before moving on to 3rd. We use Singapore and there aren't a lot of practice problems in the workbook.

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I think MEP is plenty. We bought Rightstart and DD hated it so much that we totally stopped using it for a few months and used MEP alone. She hit a hump with that, but it was easier to get past and she's getting a great foundation in math, from what I can see. We've started using Rightstart again and she's much better with it now, which might be because using MEP has prepared her for it (that would take a long explanation, but I think that's what happened). So we'll use both, but I don't think that's necessary. :) I just want to make sure we cover things from multiple angles, although to be honest, I think MEP really does that already, come to think of it.

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We have been using MEP for about 6 months and are about to take a break when MUS arrives as we have been having a few problems. But in the long run I would like to use MUS and MEP together in some way. Using MUS to teach the basics and MEP for the practiceand review and for the higher levels. Maybe doing MUS Alpha and Beta and then having a crack at YR 1 MEP again.


I don't know if its just us but we have been doing the whole MEP lesson plans and all problems but it doesn't seem to actually teach the new concepts as they arrive as such its more that new things get thrown in the mix and you seem to pick them up as you go. Some things my dd gets immediately like more than less than and she can extract info from problems but sometimes actually solving the problems totally throws her, she doesn't understand what she is looking at. My dd doesn't see the natural patterns in numbers and manipulatives so am hoping MUS can fill in the gaps in really basic stuff, am hoping its really spelt out. I think MEP is quite fast and just expects you to get it.

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