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How do you figure physEd?


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DS is a pretty active kid and does a lot of various physical activity throughout the week - swimming, bike riding, soccer, etc.


I'm wondering what I might/should count toward PhysEd and what is simply normal playtime that doesn't count?


Our state doesn't have a PhysEd requirement, but allows hours of physical education to be included in the total hours required each year. So what would you count?

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In my DD's private school, she got 1 hour of recess a day, broken into segments, and 2 1/2 hour PE classes, all of which was considered instructional time, so I figure I'm safe counting at least an hour a day of playing outside, bike riding, and so on as instructional time towards the 4 hours/180 days, plus her dance classes, swim lessons, and so on (usually 1-2 activities at a time) as the formal PE class.

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Our YMCA has a Homeschool PE class. It is 3 times a week/2 hours per day (and they throw in science and art), and only $20/month. We are in a big city, so finding a YMCA that does a PE class for homeschoolers in a small town may be difficult. If enough recommend it, they may do it.


Many homeschool groups have park days that last 2 hours, so I am sure many people count that, in addition to the outside activities your child may be in (sports, scouts, etc).


Good luck.



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We count all 'scheduled' physical activity. This includes marshal arts class, gymnastics class, park play dates, soccer practice/games, and whatever other sports dd is in at the time. Everything else is just play time.


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