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OPGTR/Phonics ?


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I am wondering if you 'drill' phonics with your little ones while teaching reading with OPGTR. I love the teaching method of OPGTR and my ds, who began a few months before he turned 5, is doing really well each day with our reading lesson. However, frequently when the lesson has words that use rules from past lessons I have to remind him of the rule. Lately I've realized that he really doesn't remember things like the long 'a' vowel sound can be spelled ay, ai, ea, etc. But, saying that, he does read quite well and usually will come up with the correct pronunciations for words on his own.


When I read the threads here, it seems that a lot of people emphasize drilling phonics. So what exactly does that look like? Do I need to be doing anything in addition to OPTGR? We are using ETC as well, but he is behind in ETC lessons compared to where he is in OPTGR.


Thanks for any help as this is my first of four beginning the homeschooling journey and teaching reading makes me the most nervous!


ds 5 - SM Earlybird, ETC 1, OPGTR, Bible

ds 3 - OPGTR, ETC A

dd 2

dd 3 months

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I don't do any drilling, as if you mean do I ask my kids what letter combination makes the long a sound. Some other phonics programs will have the kids memorize the combos and rules. I figure the proof is in the pudding. If my kids can read, then I know it's working. Sometimes we need to take a break and start again. Other times we take a break from the OPGTR and read real books. Sounds like you're doing fine.

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I remember being at a friend's house who did Abeka with her kids and they spent a long time drilling - I didn't understand how that translated to reading...


I have never drilled with OPGTR and never heard of anyone drilling with it...


Long vowels are tough. Once we went through the difficult ones in OPG (the ones you listed), I made a game in which dd1 put words under certain columns: my columns would be ae, ay, a_e, ai for long a, o_e, oa, etc. for long o, etc. I also took some of the OPG stories and made them into bob books (sort of - as long and dinky pics). So, to solidify long vowels, we would do the game and read two of the homemade "bob books" (one easy, one difficult).


Not sure if I described that well enough but we are through with OPG and that is the only section we had to work on solidifying. It seemed as though there was plenty of practice in the other sections for dd1 to just get it w/out any extra practice.

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I worried about the minimal phonics instruction as well when my oldest worked through 100EZ Lessons five years ago. Now I agree that it's working if the child is reading!


Phonics instruction will be covered again in spelling (and we've chosen to use Megawords to help fill in those gaps--syllabication and phonics rules--that were missed in reading instruction). The good news is that good readers are often good spellers. So, get him reading, IMHO!

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I am wondering if you 'drill' phonics with your little ones while teaching reading with OPGTR. I love the teaching method of OPGTR and my ds, who began a few months before he turned 5, is doing really well each day with our reading lesson. However, frequently when the lesson has words that use rules from past lessons I have to remind him of the rule. Lately I've realized that he really doesn't remember things like the long 'a' vowel sound can be spelled ay, ai, ea, etc. But, saying that, he does read quite well and usually will come up with the correct pronunciations for words on his own.


When I read the threads here, it seems that a lot of people emphasize drilling phonics. So what exactly does that look like? Do I need to be doing anything in addition to OPTGR? We are using ETC as well, but he is behind in ETC lessons compared to where he is in OPTGR.


Thanks for any help as this is my first of four beginning the homeschooling journey and teaching reading makes me the most nervous!


ds 5 - SM Earlybird, ETC 1, OPGTR, Bible

ds 3 - OPGTR, ETC A

dd 2

dd 3 months


We're doing OPGTR with HOP, and I've recently added ETC as reinforcement since it has DS-5 read and write what he's learned. I also use the phonetically controlled readers with HOP, along with Bob Books, Nora Gaydos readers and Starfall readers. Might be a bit overkill - but DS is finally getting into the groove to want to read on his own - and has started to now read from our nightly bedtime stories, sounding out words he can - so I think the all-over approach is working for us.


If you're doing ETC, you might want to let your ds catch up to where he is - it'll reinforce what he knows and maybe help as you move forward that you're doing OPGTR with reading/writing with ETC and readers that are directly related to the OPGTR lessons.

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Yay! I just came back from dinner (my first time out without my 3 month old!) and was happy to see the replies! I am glad to know that you all are working through OPGTR the same way we are, it makes me feel like I am doing something right :D!


Thanks for the game ideas Katy.


ElizabethB, I am off to look at your game as well!


I think I will try to make more time for him to read aloud to me from other sources. It's so hard though, when the other 3 are napping I really feel compelled to let him have 'quiet time' so that I can get a few things done (i.e. peruse the wtm forums ;)) and the rest of the day is so darn busy!

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We are using OPG and I don't drill or make my son memorize the phonics "rules". As long as he is reading everything well I don't think it really matters...perhaps until we move into spelling later. If he begins to mis-pronounce a word I may remind him of the phonics rule that applies (if there is one and it isn't an exception) instead of telling him the word and see if he can figure it out. I also think that having him read various things outside of OPG to you is great, even if it means you reading a couple of words for him that he hasn't learned yet (it can be difficult to exactly match readers to what your child has learned so far).

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I tried drilling math facts with flash cards with my 5 1/2 year old and regret it because it kind of took the fun out of school. With the younger years, I will now keep the review alive with fun games. Alphabet Island has fun stories with personified letters to help remember phonics and spelling rules.

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Yay! I just came back from dinner (my first time out without my 3 month old!) and was happy to see the replies! I am glad to know that you all are working through OPGTR the same way we are, it makes me feel like I am doing something right :D!


Thanks for the game ideas Katy.


ElizabethB, I am off to look at your game as well!


I think I will try to make more time for him to read aloud to me from other sources. It's so hard though, when the other 3 are napping I really feel compelled to let him have 'quiet time' so that I can get a few things done (i.e. peruse the wtm forums ;)) and the rest of the day is so darn busy!


My 2 & 1yo take 2.5-3 hr naps in the afternoon so when they go down, dd1 reads to me for about 20 min. Then I will read to her for about 10. Then she takes a nap - that way she doesn't have to be in her room 2.5 hrs but she still gets plenty of quiet time (hasn't fully dropped her nap) and one-on-one reading time with me. That would probably work for you as well...

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