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Should I be concerned?

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I have an upcoming 3rd grade ds. I just ordered Sonlight 3 for next year. Looking at their Language Arts freaked me out some. It had them writing things that I don't think is possible ( at this point). Is it normal for boys to be behind in this area? He can narrate forever but for him to sit and write it hasn't happened yet. #1, he can't spell and #2, he has a hard time getting his thoughts on paper #3, he can't spell!


I thought about returning the language arts and just continue with what we are doing: copywork, handwriting, Growing with Grammar ( or Shurley) and add in Writing Tales 1.


Does this sound like a better idea?




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I've never been overly fond of Sonlight's LA programs. If you have something that is already working for you, I'd suggest you stick with that. And, yes, as a mom of four boys I would say that your son is pretty typical. The act of writing is difficult for many boys and the combination of thinking and writing can be overwhelming for them. As far as spelling goes, we didn't bother with spelling for the first time through a paragraph. We picked that up on the editing portion. That way he did have to think about 3 different things at the same time.

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I wouldn't go with Sonlight's LA then . If he has alot of difficulty with spelling . It really doesn't help . Its not just a boy thing . My oldest daughter struggles with writing PERIOD !

I would either go with something like SWB's Writing With Ease , or Writing Tales 1. Either way I think it will help .

After using Calvert for grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 so far my 10 year old still doesn't know where to stop and put punctuation and her spelling isn't very great either yet . So we are going to start with Writing Tales 1 and take it from there .


I decided on Writing Tales because it was a bit less expensive for me because I'm going to have my 10 yr old and 8yr old. Either way both of these programs look great. I may even get Writing with Ease eventually for my younger two so that I can use both programs :>) LOL.

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but when my son started 3rd grade last September, I didn't feel like he was anywhere ready for a writing program because of all the reasons you mentioned about your ds. I've just felt like in the last couple of weeks, that he may be at that point. Instead of the progymnasmata Fables program that I wanted to do this year, I had him do lots of copywork. Lots. He has come a long way and even though we are going to start the writing program a year late, I think it is better to work on the on all the basics that you mentioned: grammar, spelling, handwriting rather than frustrate them early on.

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