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Ds didn't come home. I hate this.

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He is struggling in many ways--so unsure of his future, what path to take, etc. He doesn't want to go to AA anymore because it's a spiritual program (yes, there are Atheists, but ds, who is Atheist, doesn't think a higher power that is other than some sort of diety is really all that powerful--he thinks that someone who says "the chair" or "my parent" or any person is his higher power is just dumb--this is HIS judgement, not mine, btw). He doesn't want to go to counseling, and we really can't make him.




{{Chris' son}}


Chris, the above quote, coupled with his behavior is addict code for "I am planning to go use/drink". I'm sorry.


Have you had him read Henry Granju's story?

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He doesn't want to go to AA anymore because it's a spiritual program (yes, there are Atheists, but ds, who is Atheist, doesn't think a higher power that is other than some sort of diety is really all that powerful--he thinks that someone who says "the chair" or "my parent" or any person is his higher power is just dumb--this is HIS judgement, not mine, btw).


My ex is 16 years clean and he saw "the higher power" as the power of the group. He doesn't have a spiritual bone in his body.


Is there RR nearby? I doesn't have the huge following, and there are groups here and there.



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Yes, we know that is always a possibility.


He came home this afternoon around 2, apologizing, feeling so bad he had caused so much pain, and we really had a wonderful, honest talk.


He is struggling in many ways--so unsure of his future, what path to take, etc. He doesn't want to go to AA anymore because it's a spiritual program (yes, there are Atheists, but ds, who is Atheist, doesn't think a higher power that is other than some sort of diety is really all that powerful--he thinks that someone who says "the chair" or "my parent" or any person is his higher power is just dumb--this is HIS judgement, not mine, btw). He doesn't want to go to counseling, and we really can't make him.


He knows he hurt his dad, probably can't go to prom with his GF now, and so on. He is just sad, confused, and feels stupid.


Addiction is so powerful, and as I've said before, such a lying, thieving b*tch.


Oh, I'm SOOO glad he came home. I've been thinking about you all day today.


My oldest has been in some turmoil for months now. It's a scary time for our boys. They're graduating soon and it's a scary time! My son has decided to stay local (I believe because of his girlfriend) for a year and then transfer out. So it seems that he has at least SOME peace now. He also says he no longer believes in God.


I think it's normal to be afraid at this time, but I hope and pray your son make changes and do things to make better decisions with his life.


I'm so glad you can sleep soundly tonight.


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