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My son wants to go to public school..help

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My son started in public school until 3rd grade. His grades went from soaring to awful and he was being bullied by peers and his teacher. I confronted her and nothing ever happened it was like it got worse. She suggested he be put on meds because he wrote on the floor. I think she didn't know how to control her classroom. She yelled at students and humiliated my son so bad he refused to turn in math homework for fear if it was wrong she would announce it to the class. Needless to say I brought him home for 4th, 5th, and now 6th grade. He sabotaged his end of the year test (we have to test for state requirements). I know he did it purposely too because he has been talking about going to public school.


His ps friends are goading him about not going to ps where all the "cool" stuff is happening. He says he wants to go so he can see what it is like in middle school for just a year. Then he talks about the fights they have. My son has never been in a fight and I am sure if he did he would lose. I see stuff about guns coming to school and things of that nature so I don't want him to go back. Recently an elementary school student brought a gun to school in our area. It isn't just that I don't want him to go to ps and go through all the crap we went through before. My husband agrees with me. My son says it would be nice to always be out of school when his friends are out but they aren't always home when they are out of school anyway.


Did any of you have a child that wanted to go back? What did you do? I know I won't let it be his decision but I want him to feel at ease with my decision. Plus we have his biological dad to worry about who thinks he should be in public school in the first place. Not that he is involved in his life that much. What would you do? I am kind of scared he will go back and tell bio dad that we won't let him go to school and then he will decide to go to court or something.

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Eww. Up until I read about the bio dad, I was thinking that it was your decision, and as a child, he would have to abide by it. The deliberate sabotage of the test would have some serious consequences here.


I would keep homeschooling, and pray that bio dad didn't take it to court. I don't trust courts to make the best decision for the child when it comes to homeschooling, and adding in his sabotage of the test...ewww is what comes to mind.

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Your situation sounds familiar. I pulled my son midway through 3rd grade. He is finishing 7th now. He begged to go to school all during 6th and into 7th and has blown off the standardized tests as well. I tried to remind him that he remembers only the good things about elementary school (RECESS) and not how angry he was everyday he came home - mostly because he was benched during recess for acting up in class. He would call friends during 6th grade, but they were swamped with an average of 3 hours of homework (the standard at our local JR High). Only in the last couple of months has he conceded that maybe he doesn't want to be in school. When I asked why, he said that some boys from church told him about some of the things that were going on and he thought maybe Jr High wasn't so magical after all. Believe me though, there are days I'm tempted to drop him off!!

I have worked really hard to find him opportunities to be with friends that I approve of though. He participates in an afterschool theater group that is for Jr High kids and he loves that.

Realize that kids this age are difficult at best. The hormones/identity issues etc. are tough going. I hope yours realizes in this next year like mine that maybe things aren't so bad at home.

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I am assuming you keep some samples of his work throughout the year. If so, I wouldn't worry too much about the test if the bio dad takes you to court over it. It does not sound like he would be attending a safe school, so I would definitely be saying no to his request.

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Thanks ladies.


Maureen your story is very encouraging. We are starting a class here at our house for other middle schoolers next year and are joining another homeschool group locally for some more activities that would be geared specifically to his age group. I am hoping this will help him get to know more kids who homeschool and hopefully they like it. I think the neighbor is a big influence right now. He is a good kid and obviously likes going to public school. I just want to make a more balanced time in his friendships. Hoping next year he will love homeschooling.

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Your situation sounds familiar. I pulled my son midway through 3rd grade. He is finishing 7th now. He begged to go to school all during 6th and into 7th and has blown off the standardized tests as well. I tried to remind him that he remembers only the good things about elementary school (RECESS) and not how angry he was everyday he came home - mostly because he was benched during recess for acting up in class. He would call friends during 6th grade, but they were swamped with an average of 3 hours of homework (the standard at our local JR High). Only in the last couple of months has he conceded that maybe he doesn't want to be in school. When I asked why, he said that some boys from church told him about some of the things that were going on and he thought maybe Jr High wasn't so magical after all. Believe me though, there are days I'm tempted to drop him off!!

I have worked really hard to find him opportunities to be with friends that I approve of though. He participates in an afterschool theater group that is for Jr High kids and he loves that.

Realize that kids this age are difficult at best. The hormones/identity issues etc. are tough going. I hope yours realizes in this next year like mine that maybe things aren't so bad at home.



Same here. We pulled DS out in 3rd grade and in 7th he begged to go back and talked about how much he hated it. In 8th he finally got in and now he loves it.

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My dd was interested in ps when she was in 7th grade. We found other activities for her and the thought didn't last long. I think they wonder what it is like but who can tell in one day? I would make the decision for them.

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