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You DX'd him correctly! DS's allergy testing

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DH and DS8 just got home from allergy testing. You called it right.


Allergist DX'd him with probably oral allergy syndrome from the photo I posted and sent with them. Testing confirmed that. He's allergic to a lot of trees (PNW Tree Mix, Red Alder, White Ash, Birch, Cottonwood, Black Walnut, Black Willow, and American Hazelnut), Timothy Grass, Apricots, and Peaches. Pears, which caused the reaction in the photo, isn't listed as a tested item. He also got an assumed false positive for peanuts and soy. Allergist is calling them false positives because of history of eating them very regularly with no symptoms.


He was sent home with a Zyrtex RX for as needed and a Flonase RX to use daily during pollen season.


He's not allergic to our cats and dog.


Here's a link to a photo of his back. All the hives are the trees.

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