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Oh No! My RS spelling curriculum came in and I don't like it! help!!!


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Okay...so here it goes. I ordered the spelling levels 3 and 4 for my rising 3rd and 4th graders. I really wanted something that taught the spelling rules directly to my kids...not just ME teaching them.


Well, the level 3 doesn't have any spelling rules in the student manual (ugggh)...level 4 does.


Should I look for another 3rd grade program?

Combine them all in level 4? (please pick this one ;) )

Or look for something all together different?


Appreciate your help!

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I say stick with it or combine both into 4.


Many people say that R&S is one level behind. So, grade 4 would work for grade 3.


My children have picked-up so much this year. This was our first year with R&S Spelling. We used 2 & 3.


I don't know how a thumbs down icon appeared on my message. I give it a thumbs up!

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If R&S Spelling is behind, then my poor son is REALLY behind in spelling as he finished 5th grade this year and wasn't quite done with the 4th grade spelling book. I have never heard of anything by R&S being "behind" now that I think about it...except maybe the math, but I think that is more to do with the WAY it is taught - if you go all the way through R&S math, you are right on track with everyone else by about the end of 6th grade.

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I found level 2 and 3 to be just right for my boys. Not too hard. Not too tough. When I used level 3 I spent a little time writing the spelling rules out on stickey notes and inserting them on the student pages. When my son got to that week, he read/studied the rule I had written out. We then stuck the note up on the board for him to see all week. The exercise in the R&S books do tend to be no-nonsense and help the kids learn how to spell. They don't seem like busy work to me.

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I can't say that its behind but its much 'gentler' then other spelling programs we've come across.

I used R&S 2 with my oldest and 2nd daughter , they were 2nd and 1st graders the year I used it. My 1st grader was able to do the program and the words seemed very simple for 2nd grade. Considering the year before I used Christian Liberty's spelling (which is even better in my opinion). Actually for what your looking for you may like Christian Liberty's spelling much better then the R&S. They use spelling rules right from the get go (1st grade) in their spelling program. It is set up pretty much the same way R&S spelling is anyways. I'm actually surprised I never see their spelling program mentioned. It really is good and inexpensive too.


If you want to use R&S still and you have a good speller on your hands I would go a level up. If you have an average to struggling student then their spelling is just right.

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