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When were you in high school?

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What was I?




Completely and totally bored.


My mom conveniently worked for Barnes and Noble at the time, and brought home boxes of books with the covers stripped off. I brought a book every day and usually had finished it by the end of the day.


:iagree: I did the same, except my books came from the public library. It was an absolute, utter waste of time.

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I am probably the oldest on this forum. I graduated in 1965 and I agree with Ellie that we were the last of the old 3R traditional school graduates. We were in school when values, hard work and scholarship were still rewarded and to be desired. No gangs, no drugs, not even any girls in pants or jeans. My kids and grandkids can't believe that either. We had great hopes for our future and were proud to be Americans even though the Vietnam War was almost is full swing. Things really began to change in the next few years educationally and I am forever grateful for my Christian family upbringing and values to stand on and guide me through the rough years that followed politically, socially, educationally, etc.



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California high school grad of '77. Only took one semester of basic math - nowadays that would NOT fly!


I graduated from a California high school in '77. I had four full years of math -- Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and something they called Trigonometry and Elementary Analysis. I also had three years of Science: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Four very non-traditional years of English -- two were Journalism, one was an experimental program. Three years of Social Studies: World Civilizations, U.S. History, and Civics/Government. I also did Spanish II as a freshman, after two years in Junior High. For electives, I took Drafting classes three years and one summer, and photography and typing in summer sessions.

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High school was 1976-1979 (I should have graduated in 1980, but I was anxious to get on with my life so I graduated a year early). I attended one of the so called "best" high schools and took "accelerated" classes, but I realize as I educate my own kids how lacking my education was. But I think grammar and spelling were stressed then much more than they are today.

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I graduated in 1988 from a SMALL rurual school. Nothing above Algebra 2 was offered. No foreign languagues, and no advanced placement classes. I survived college, however, and received a BBA in Marketing. So, I guess, even though we were small, something went right.:)


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1980-1984 in a small high school. Four years of math, science, English, and history/civics, and PE were required. I was required to take two years of a foreign language (French or German), then could opt to change foreign language or take home economics in 11th and 12th grades. Boys could opt for wood shop. The choice of foreign language and whether to complete 2, 3, or 4 years of it were our only electives. All other courses were determined by our assigned tract - academic or vocational.


We took a math placement exam in 7th grade. I tested into Algebra for 8th grade. My high school math classes were Algebra II (9th), Geometry (10th), Trig (11th), Precalculus (12th). Science - Earth and Space, Biology, Chemistry w/lab, and Physics w/lab.

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