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Update: 2 closets clean!

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All of you who were so sweet about my being home alone--I though I'd update you!


What do I do with all the junk on my bedroom floor that USE to be in those closets?


Anyone want a pile of kids mittens, coats, snow pants, and scarves that are not in good enough shape to go to good will? What about the linens and blankets that have multiplied like rabbits when I was not looking?




Should I start cleaning in the basement?


It is an E&R room.


I may need a lot of encouragement to head down there. All the stuff we emptied out of my mom's house is still there. You've been awfully kind today...so maybe that is enough for me to give it a try...




(BTW. E&R rooms are the ones you store everything that does not have a place to be stored...and over time, you could hide an Elephant AND a Rhinoceros in there, and no would would notice.


If I don't come back...It was nice knowing you.

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Don't start the basement until you MAKE yourself throw or give away the stuff from the closets. and maybe quit for today. it sounds like you did a lot!




Well, there is a pile of things the kids need to sort through when they get home.


The burn pile got most of it, and the goodwill bag got the rest (such as that little pair of gloves that would only fit the cat. Funny how little kids grow up to be bigger than mom.




You mean I can stop? I don't have to take a chair and whip to the E&R room?


You are very nice.


Maybe I'll make supper instead.


How about steaks with buttered mushrooms?


:-) It isn't all bad being the wife of a beef farmer! LOL!

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Great job!!!


We've been spring cleaning this week and our mound of coats is just ... huge!!! I need to sort through and set back what we want/need to keep and take the rest to Goodwill, I guess. How can we have so many coats, yet not seem to find one to fit two of our children?


Save the E&R room for another day. Is it air-conditioned? Wait until the heat of summer drives you indoors. Don't waste our gorgeous Spring weather!

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Not yet anyway.


My washer over flowed.


I pulled it out and found that there was a mess of lint underneath--like the vent was not attached, or something was wrong.


I've spent half of forever getting the venting cleaned out from the dryer to the outside. I'm dirty (spider webs and dirt in a rock-foundation basement). Wet (it's raining outside). Frustrated.


Now I'll shower and then I'll get supper.


Maybe no steak. It is already 7:40.


:-/ Jean

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I think you need to come over and help me declutter before we list our house. I'm just one state over y'know;)

Have fun!



It is always more fun to do something like that with someone than to do it alone.


My dd is great at saying. "You're keeping THIS?"

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Not yet anyway.


My washer over flowed.


I pulled it out and found that there was a mess of lint underneath--like the vent was not attached, or something was wrong.


I've spent half of forever getting the venting cleaned out from the dryer to the outside. I'm dirty (spider webs and dirt in a rock-foundation basement). Wet (it's raining outside). Frustrated.


Now I'll shower and then I'll get supper.


Maybe no steak. It is already 7:40.


:-/ Jean


Ah, bummer. Enjoy your supper anyway. It sounds like you had a productive day, even if some of it wasn't planned.

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