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Double Jogging Stroller Advice

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I am looking to buy a Double Jogging Stroller.


The Consumer Reports ratings for the InStep Run Around and the Baby Trend Expedition were decent. Anyone have real on-the-road experience with either of these, or any others? Is it really possible to run while pushing two children?



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to run with 2 children. My double was a plain hard thing with belts. I added a wrist strap since I was going to be running along the road. It takes longer to get going and to stop but it can be done. For a while I ran two children up to preschool and one child home. I would always get comments "You're missing something!" from people who saw me both ways. I also remember running around the park on a paved path.


Do not try to bump 2 down a set of steps though. It can be done, but it was also the start of back problems for me. I had a friend of ds's over and figured they would both fit - why not. I wasn't used to running with 2 so maybe it was just that. I think it was the steps. :001_huh:

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I used the double stroller for jogging-- boy, it is heavy when you're pushing them up these Pittsburgh hills! But it was great exercise, and good for the kids in getting a little fresh air. I don't remember which brand it was, but it last for the few years that I used it. Go for it!

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I started my running "career" after I had my twins, so for the first couple of years of running I only ran with a double stroller. The first time I ran without it I didn't know what to do with my hands!


I know people who had the two you mentioned and they hated them. These people were serious runners and the small wheels made them hard to manoever. The bigger the wheels the easier the stroller is to handle at running speeds. I had a Kelty with 16" wheels and loved it for brisk walks, but hated it for running. I bought a very used (read rusted wheels) BabyJogger on eBay and it was a dream. You need something very light weight (more stuff and gadgets = more weight).


Check the ratings on the Runner's World website or the other running magazine's website (the name escapes me). One of them had a really well written review.


All that being said, if you are a recreational jogger and are not sure you are going to stick with it, the cheapies might be the way to go. Of course, the better the stroller, the more you will love running.




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They are so well made. They have a wrist strap because their balance is so smooth and their motion so frictionless that they will roll away from you in a supermarket! Also, the wheels are so big that you can run right up over city curbs, and they travel very smoothly offroad and turn extremely easily.


Best stroller I ever tried.

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