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Veritas Press Scholars Online Latin I Class - Could someone give feedback, please? nt


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Grammar School Latin I or Secondary Latin I?


My boys just finished Grammar School Latin I this week. It was an hour and a half, two days a week. The teacher, Mrs. Donaldson, was wonderful. Very professional, kept the kids focused, kept everyone moving right along. The boys did it mostly independently of me, though I did make sure to review vocabulary and chants with them, and occasionally make sure they were correcting their workbooks. Mostly I wanted to keep up with the vocab, chants, & grammar, too.


I thought it was well worth the cost for several reasons. 1) Outsourcing it meant that we actually got Latin done and now we're in a routine that I feel I could pick up and continue with next year.


2) Outsourcing it also allowed me to spend more time working with my 7 year old on basics.


3) It was a fun, new experience for my boys. I'm finding that some of these skill subjects that require a lot of practice (chants, vocabulary) are more fun done in a group. Mrs. Donaldson played Latin bingo/jeopardy with the class the last 30-45 minutes of class on the second day almost every week. I'm a get-it-done type and would have skipped games. Besides, games are limited when it's only three of us.


4) The online class gave my boys a glimpse of reality! Yes, usually one does have to get a certain amount of work done by a certain deadline. It wasn't just an arbitrary, mom-imposed expectation. :)


It was definitely an all-around positive experience for us.



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My ds13 took Latin I with Mrs. Davis this year. Overall, I found the class to be well worth the money. Mrs. Davis provides a gentle introduction to Latin (compared to Scholars Online).


I thought the flow and rigor of the class was excellent for a beginnner in Latin. Classes met twice a week for one and a half hours each. Throughout the year, there were six exams and numerous pop quizzes (which are real easy if the student is keeping up with the vocabulary). The students also had regular translation homework due the following class and a few translation passages to be turned in for a grade.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks, Mommyofthree. How many chapters did the teacher complete by the end of the year? Did you buy the Cambridge texts? Is it necessary for the class? I have Wheelock's Latin.

My oldest is finishing up Latin II with Scholars, but I felt my youngest is more of an auditory learner and thought that the format of SO would not be helpful for him. Thank you again for your input. I hope my ds. will enjoy the class.

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