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Can I share something exciting re: possible job for dh?

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Oooh, I'm so excited. My dad called yesterday with a potential job for dh in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He saw the ad in the Marquette Mining Journal, no less! We (well, I) would love to move up there and be closer to my parents and sister. We would be closer to other family too but these are the people I like, LOL. Anyway, there are not usually many jobs in the UP and certainly not right now when the economy is so bad in Michigan, but this one looks like it has potential!


I'm trying very hard not to get my hopes up. I don't know that dh will get excited about living in the UP. And, there is a lot of snow. I hate snow. BUT - just thinking about the possibility is very, very fun.


Dh is DONE with his current job; he is unhappy and would like to move to another department at the very least, if not leave the company all together. We've been talking about where we'd like to go, not really thinking Michigan would be a realistic option. We have certain distance requirements for some particular relatives that would make it hard even in good economical circumstances.


Anyway, thanks for listening. It would be so cool if he could get this job. Even cooler if he wanted to live up there. :)

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It's so beautiful there! You'd love it. You really would. I'm excited for you! My husband has issues with his job, too, but we love where we're living so he is contemplating a job change ... not an entire life change. :)


Trust me, I do love it there! We're from Michigan originally. We've lived here for nearly 10 years and I have kept thinking we would move back home "any day." There are times when I think it might be good to accept that we're in NC for the long haul, but I just can't bring myself to do it.


My folks live right on Lake Superior, and as a kid we spent most of our family vacations up there. They moved up there to live with my grandmother a few years ago. We get up there for a few weeks every summer if we can.


I could live with the snow if my dh can live near my parents. I'm not sure I can sell it. My folks are great but I think he likes living this far away from all our family. I do not. I want to be next door to all of them, LOL.


We'll see how it turns out. He says he is too busy working on taxes to get his resume ready to go.... but if I see him doing any more playing on his computer I will have to say something. :)

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