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Need recommendations - logic and short stories


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First is logic/critical thinking for dd11. I forgot that in my plan. So what has been you favorites and why?


Also, I want to find compilation of well written short stories at a grade 4/5 level, to get dd11 started on literary analysis. I would use her chapter books, but we're spending so much time outside now that we have real spring weather, she isn't reading as long. I don't want to do it for every chapter. Thought short stories would fit the bill quite nicely. Be able to finish a story and do the analysis. Plus I can read it too in a short time.



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re: Logic/Critical Thinking


We loved the Dandylion Logic series -- fun, gentle intro to logic terms with a wide variety of fun logic puzzles. We did 1-2 pages each morning together as a fun "brain warmup" -- I'd start with Logic Liftoff with an 11yo who hasn't done much logic/criticial thinking:

1. Logic Countdown = gr. 3-4

2. Logic Liftoff = gr. 4-5

3. Orbiting with Logic = gr. 5-7


We also really enjoyed critical thinking books with a variety of puzzle types (logic, visual, word, math, etc.):

- Dr. Funster Think-A-Minutes

- Dr. Funster's Creative Thinking Puzzlers

- Critical Thinking Activities in Pattern, Image, Logic (gr. 4-6; or gr. 7-12)

- 10-Minute Critical-Thinking Activities for Englishy (gr. 5-12) -- by Eaton; Walch Pub.


We also really enjoyed crosswords, sudoku puzzles, word jumbles; also logic/strategy games:

- Mastermind

- Amazing Labrynth

- 221 B. Baker Street

- Chess

- Boggle

- Scrabble

- Quarto

- Tetrus

- Risk



re: collection of short stories

A Christian program which begins to introduce literary terms through short stories and worksheets in grade 4 is Christian Light Education (CLE). You can buy just the reading component separately.


Grade 4 Reading description

Grade 5 Reading description


Scope and Sequence (scroll down between 1/3 to 1/2 way down the page for the Reading scope and sequence for grade 4 (Bridges Beyond 400 series) and for grade 5 ("Open Windows" 500 series))



Another Christian program which integrates language arts and literature is the Literature Series by Mosdos Press. Nice collection of short stories, poetry, and excerpts from nonfiction, drama and biographies from well-known authors, all in one anthology. Optional student workbook. Optional teacher book.


Ruby = 4th grade

Coral = 5th grade



A secular option might be to go through 1 or 2 levels of Story Elements, a page or lesson a day, several days a week, and then apply what is learned about literary elements to whatever you are already reading. See these at http://www.rainbowresource.com'>http://www.rainbowresource.com'>http://www.rainbowresource.com'>http://www.rainbowresource.com



For short story collections to try out the literary elements you learn, perhaps consider the Mosdos collection above, or the Elson Reader series (includes a study section in each reader, plus optional teacher book for each grade level) which is a reprint of a vintage reader collection based on classic stories; or the wonderful but now out of print Ginn Basic Reader series. Or, perhaps a search on Amazon for a story collection for nine year olds, ten year olds, eleven year olds, etc.


See Elson Readers at http://www.rainbowresource.com


The Children's Hour (16 volumes; this website lists the title of each volume and its table of contents)


Ginn Basic Reader series (readers have questions and activities at the end of the stories, plus a dictionary in the back of all boldfaced words in all the stories, plus lists of additional book ideas; enrichment books are collections of stories). Find these used through Amazon, ebay, abe.com, etc.


4th Grade

- Roads to Everywhere (reader)

- Down Story Roads (enrichment)


5th Grade

- Trails to Treasure (reader)

- Doorways to Discovery (reader)

- Along Story Trails (enrichment)


6th Grade

- Wings to Adventure (reader)

- Windows on the World (reader)

- On Story Wings (enrichment)

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I don't think Mosdos is a Christian company. I believe they may be Jewish and their work is based on Judeo-Christian principles - good stories with good morals. We use their books and I can highly recommend them. Just don't feel the need to do ALL of the exercises. There are tons!


Jamestown Best is another option for you. :001_smile:

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Jamestown Best is another option for you. :001_smile:


:iagree: We're liking Jamestown Best Short Stories. I like them better than the Mosdos Silver Collection (also short stories). I haven't seen the full Mosdos curriculum - I was also specifically looking for short stories as a good intro to literary analysis.

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