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Have you used the Elements & Carbon Chemistry?

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IF you have used these, how did you break up the books into the lessons? Time frame ? and # days week?


I just received mine today and as Im flipping through , Im getting a little stressed, just some ideas of how others worked through them would be helpful ;)


Thank you :)

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We have used The Elements. I really didn't break it up formaly. We just read through a sections, and die any activity or game that looked fun or interesting. We also made the Periodic Table Pillow Case. That was a great hit! My kids at the time were 8 and 10. At times the content was a little over their head, but we prefer it being a little challanging over it being too easy.



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Thanks, I just received them in the mail and was planning using them for 5th grade level. I only have one child and they just seem to be more "group" or "Class" oriented. and very Black and white! I may sit down and let her look them over and see if she shows interest.

Im just not sure, it just doesnt look like a complete science program for her age.( I will sit down and review it more but a little unsure of what Im seeing so far.. ) Im all new to this so I could be very wrong! just slightly confused by the layout Im seeing ..

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

We used the Elements this year. There are 8 CHs, so I decided to make it last 16 weeks (about half the school year.) I did 1 CH for 2 weeks only 2 or 3 days each week.

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We used the Elements this year. There are 8 CHs, so I decided to make it last 16 weeks (about half the school year.) I did 1 CH for 2 weeks only 2 or 3 days each week.



Thank you that helps ;) Did you use anything else along with it to supplement??

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

We do a lot of CM style so we read some books. One really good one is :



Some others we read are Archimedes and the Door of Science, Chemistry DK Eyewitness book,






I ordered some cheap Chemistry experiments off of here: http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/category/chemistry

You could also use Christian Kids Explore Chemistry and make Science for the year spent on Chemistry. We spent the other half of the year on Anatomy. Next year we are using CKEB and The Brain.

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We did Elements earlier in the year, 1 chapter a week, 2 sessions/week (about 2 hours each time.) We did the reading, experiments, games, websites, that she suggested, and watched several Schlessinger videos about the periodic table. We also did several GEMS guides after we had finished the program (GEMS Chemical reactions, Crime Scene Chemistry, Vitamin C Testing) and another program called TCM 2120 Science Simulations that had a unit on acid/base reactions. I think Elements is an excellent program and plan on using Carbon Chemistry next year.

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