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Charlotte Mason Method


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My name is Lillian and I have taken my son out of Public school 3 weeks ago. I have bought some textbooks and have also bought the book Home Education by Charlotte Mason. In briefly reading the book it says it is for children 3-9 years of age. I have a 4 year old and a 10 almost 11 year old. Would it be O.K. to read it for my 10 year old? I really like the method of teaching children in a relaxed and reading live books way. I do not know too much about Charlotte Mason method. Thanks:001_smile:

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I'm confused what you mean? I have read Home Education, and it is the first book in a series of books for parents and teachers on how to educate children. It is not an easy read. For someone just starting out I would recommend A Charlotte Mason Education, More Charlotte Mason Education, and For the Childrens Sake. Miss Mason's book is a great read also, but will take much longer to get through. Home Education basically covers nursery age up to about 8 years old. It is a great starting point, but you may want to read the following books to get more info for your oldest. At 10-11 she would be getting to the age of grammar, and written narration. I found all of the books I suggested at my library, so you may want to check there first. I just ordered A Charlotte Mason Companion, and I'm excited to read it also.

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My favorite website for CM info is simplycharlottemason.com. They have a free curriculum guide, book suggestions, resources and a very friendly and helpful forum for asking questions.

Ambleside online is another good online resource. They have the original Charlotte Mason series available to read for free online and they also have a modern version that's a little easier to read.


Good luck!!:001_smile:

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For someone just starting out I would recommend A Charlotte Mason Education, More Charlotte Mason Education...


I agree with the recommendations about these books. May I also suggest you check out www.amblesideonline.com. This site was a HUGE help to me. You also may want to join their Yahoo support group where you can ask questions of lots of people who are committed to teaching their children in a CM style.


My #1 recommendation though if you feel strongly about the method after reading through the above books and checking out the websites is to order the all day seminar DVD from www.simplycharlottemason.com. I think it was around $50 when I bought it (I got the set with the Laying Down the Rails book and DVD included) and it has been such a help to me in understanding the method more fully.

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First of all, let me say that you are headed in the right direction! Doing research and asking questions. After spending the last 15 years in education, starting as a public school teacher and then becoming a private school headmaster in a CM / Classical school and then giving that up to homeschool my own kids, I can tell you that you are making a great investment in your little ones. There really is no substitute for reading Miss Mason's works yourself, but there is a lot of support and great resources at www.simplycharlottemason.com. You can also find wonderful blogs and information at www.childlightusa.org. Their conference is coming up in June, and it is always great. No one will put the time, energy, effort, and prayer into your children and their education like you will. All the best to you and yours.

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