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Help me understand how to use SOTW for 5th grade?

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We are thoroughly enjoying SOTW 1 with dd6, and the activity guide. DD11 sits in and listens and enjoys the activities. How do I flesh it out more for her? She loves the ancients, and can't wait for more, but the AG is really aimed at the Grammar stage. I'm reading in WTM, on it, and really.. .my brain is on overload, and I'm missing something as I read..lol. Mental Block I guess.


So we would use a Spine of some kind. Usbourne History of the World or Kingfisher...etc. So She'd read it and take note of important things, then add to her timeline(I have NEVER done a timeline..lol...such a product of ps).


Then what? I have read and reread the section and I am not retaining anything.


It's all so overwhelming... So for now, I have her participating with the little one, asking her a few more questions, doing activities, she enjoys it well enough, it's light and fun. But she is ready for more.


Any guidance for this lost mommy..lol

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I will be doing something similar. I'll be using SOTW/Ag/Ancient Explorations with my 2nd grader starting w/ Ancients. My 5th grader will listen in on SOTW, read any of the books from the AG/Ancient Expl that he chooses, but will also be reading K12's Human Odyssey Vol1 along with Ancient Near Eastern World by Podany and the subsequent books. I will either do a WTM history or try out History Odyssey level 2 Ancients for some structure. If I do this, I have two choices. Do separate histories w/ the two kids or superimpose either SOTW sequence on History Odyssey or History Odyssey sequence on SOTW. But several who have done this say that in the end, the older DC worked more independently so it didn't matter either way.


I'm sure that is more confusing to you...:001_huh:


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I think you are on the right track! In the activity guide it lists pages in the Usborne or Kingfisher book that you could have her outline. I would continue to do read SOTW together out loud, have the older dd then outline the chapter and write a narration about the what she learned. I would have her add the key people or events to a timeline and even do the map from the activity guide. I would also probably have her do some extra reading from the reading choices in the activity guide. Your library will probably have some of them. And, I found that when my kids were in 5th grade they enjoyed the projects even more than they did in the younger grades.

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