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CLE math users - I could use your advice!

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We switched to CLE math around Thanksgiving. We follow a traditional school calendar (dh is a teacher/coach), but we're currently on light unit 106, which is behind where I wanted to be right now. DD is 6 and has done very well on all of her tests and quizzes so far. I would love to skip a light unit so we can have something that resembles a summer break, but I don't know which one to skip. Would it be better to skip the 110 light unit and start 2nd grade with 201 -OR- or complete through 109, take a break, then start 2nd grade with 110 and skip 201? Or any other ideas you have to offer . . . :tongue_smilie:




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We just did 201 - it was a total review. I wouldn't worry about it, though...we just keep going with the LU's - they are never behind with CLE. You could also just cross some review and stuff he has out and do 2 lessons a day. Just do the new stuff and some review--does that make sense. My older two have been working a few LU's 'behind', but have caught up also - over the summer a few lessons here and there helps also if you want to keep it fresh AND give them something to do!! :001_smile:

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We switched to CLE a couple months ago, began with LU 105, and we're now almost done with LU 107. It was slow going at first, but now he's really catching on, and usually makes 90-100% on his tests and quizzes. I too want him to have a break this summer (but not too long!). So, I thought we'd double up on lessons a few times a week and see how that goes - two full lessons is a hefty bite for him, so I thought we'd cross out anything redundant in the two lessons, and make it a bit shorter that way. I think we'll end up with at least several weeks off that way.


Also, isn't there a built in way to skip ahead a bit in the 200's?? I haven't done it yet, so I'm not positive, but I think the student takes a pretest, and if he scores well, then he skips ahead a bit, if the score isn't great he does the review work. I'm hoping we'll speed through the first bit of the second grade material that way.

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We switched to CLE a couple months ago, began with LU 105, and we're now almost done with LU 107. It was slow going at first, but now he's really catching on, and usually makes 90-100% on his tests and quizzes. I too want him to have a break this summer (but not too long!). So, I thought we'd double up on lessons a few times a week and see how that goes - two full lessons is a hefty bite for him, so I thought we'd cross out anything redundant in the two lessons, and make it a bit shorter that way. I think we'll end up with at least several weeks off that way.


Also, isn't there a built in way to skip ahead a bit in the 200's?? I haven't done it yet, so I'm not positive, but I think the student takes a pretest, and if he scores well, then he skips ahead a bit, if the score isn't great he does the review work. I'm hoping we'll speed through the first bit of the second grade material that way.


We started with CLE Math201 in January and are in 208 right now. There isn't a pretest that allows you to skip ahead. You could take the placement test (available for free online) to see if you could skip levels, but it isn't built into the LU's. You can also do as another poster suggested and go through 2 lessons/day. We do one complete lesson and then with the 2nd lesson go through the new information and pick and choose our way through the rest. DS is rather mathy but he has been able to do this and score 95% or higher on each LU.

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Yes, only in math is the first light unit of each level a review.

I wouldn't skip the light units though. I used the last half of the 100 level and have the first part of the 200 level and I will say you really need to complete all of them.


I would either go through the stuff he already knows and cross it out and double up to get done. OR just lightly continue through the summer. You don't have to go full throttle but on those days where you hear " I'm bored" is a good day to do a lesson or two in the summer.

I find that working on math through the summer keeps their mind fresh and you can easily skip the 201 Light Unit. The 01 Light Units in math were made for the brick and mortar school kids who were out all summer long and need a refresher course.

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Hey there, Friend!! :)


I would also skip 201 b/c it is review ... especially if you plan to keep it up through the summer. We *easily* skipped 301 during the middle of this year. Ethan didn't even know ... and never missed it! We also do one lightunit over the summer, just two times a week on weeks where we are not out of town.

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