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What's the etiquette for this? Posting pics with other peoples' kids...

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So, I maintain a "livejournal"/blog- basically recording our day to day lives as homeschoolers, and for most entries, I include pictures of what we are doing on a given day.


Now, I never post a picture of JUST someone else's kids; any picture I post, I post because it has my kids in it.


And I never include any identifying information about anyone else's kids.


And I TRY to post pictures most of the time that only have my kids in them, when possible, or at least not clear shots of other kids who aren't my own.


But a lot of the time what we do in our day to day lives involves group activities with other kids in our homeschool group (or sometimes with neighborhood kids). And so some of the pictures I take of my kids that I want to post on my journal site involves them being engaged in activities WITH these other kids.


What is the etiquette for that? Is it okay to post pictures in that circumstance? Is it wrong to post pictures that have someone else's kids in it no matter what? Do I need to go clear it with all the other moms in the group and/or neighborhood before posting pics that might show one of their kids in it?


I'm just curious what your thoughts are! Thanks!

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I would be rather upset if you posted a recognizable photo of my child without first asking my permission. Back of my kid's head in a group photo? Meh. But otherwise, I'd think that's a courtesy you owe the parent.


If I know I was going to be including photos on my blog, I would work really hard at framing shots (or cropping) in such a way that they were usable without concern. JMO.

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I don't post pictures of other people's children without parental permission. I may post pictures of my kids taken in a large gathering (like a fair or parade or outdoor market) but only because 1) these were taken in large, public venues where photos are commonly taken and those attending know that they are likely to end up in other people's photos, and 2) I usually only post pics focused very much on my children where the people in the background don't stand out.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I would be rather upset if you posted a recognizable photo of my child without first asking my permission. Back of my kid's head in a group photo? Meh. But otherwise, I'd think that's a courtesy you owe the parent.


If I know I was going to be including photos on my blog, I would work really hard at framing shots (or cropping) in such a way that they were usable without concern. JMO.




I know some people think it's no big deal but to those who do think it's a big deal, it can be a really, really big deal. I don't put pictures of my kids online and would be upset if someone else did. My dog I'm obviously OK with. :D

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You guys are right, of course. I'm going to email the members of my group explaining and asking them to let me know if they are okay with or have any problems with their kids occasionally appearing with my kids in a picture.


I was thinking of examples like where I took pictures of my daughter playing kickball with some kids from our homeschool group the other day, and I had a picture of her from across the field out on her base, but of course other kids were in the picture, too. It was from a distance though. Or when she was going to kick and some other kids were on line behind her. Or when we were on a field trip and the kids were at tables making things out of clay for part of an American Indian workshop, and I took a picture of her making her bowl and saw that I happened to have another kid in profile in the background from the table next to hers... I always wondered if I had to totally avoid ever posting any of those pictures that show any other kid or what.


I will see what the parents in my homeschool group say.


Thanks for the feedback!

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I didn't read the previous responses, but I asked the other parents in our co-op if it was ok to post pics on my blog. I would have never thought twice about it if I hadn't read here on the boards how many people do not post pics of their kids or their names, etc. That made me ask. None of the parents cared, and in fact a few of them have used it to show others if we've done something cool. I don't do it all the time, but it's nice to know they are ok with it.

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