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When meds might cause weight gain?

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I lost 22 lbs. with Weight Watchers between Aug '09 and Jan. '10. Since April, my doctors have been trying different meds to manage my bipolar and OCD. I gained a few lbs. and my doctors told me some of my meds can cause weight gain. Is there a particular reason this happens, i.e. water weight, or hunger? My eating hasn't changed. I'm still doing the same thing I was doing when I was maintaining my weight in Feb - March.


Over the past week, I started walking again. I am trying to walk 2.7 miles a day around a track, 4 or 5 days a week. Someone warned me that exercise will turn fat into muscle, but surely walking wouldn't do that. I jog a little, but it's taking me about 50 mins. to walk that 2.7 miles. I don't feel I'm overexerting myself.


I worked hard to get that weight off. And it was the second time in one year because I didn't maintain the first time. And now I'm gaining weight again. It's only a few lbs. but it only takes one step to begin a walk downhill, kwim?


So why do meds make a person gain weight? If it's really the meds that cause weight gain, could I possibly gain back that 20 lbs. or even more? Gosh, the idea of giving up anymore calories is kind of depressing. I definitely prefer maintenance level with more WW points over the losing weight level that has less WW points. It sounds like I'll need to diet forever to combat the meds.

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I don't know any of the answers to your questions, but I'm commiserating...


I lost 25 lbs with WW just when I turned 40. I know exactly how much I weighted when the docs changed my meds. I'm now 30 lbs heavier. I didn't change my eating habits at all. I'm putting on 1lb per month. It's been 30 months. Easy calculations, no? I have never been this heavy in my whole life. My knees are starting to bother me. This is no fun at all

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For many psychotropic medications it is literally part of the mechanism that makes them work. eg: what makes them do their stuff on your brain also (unfortunately) may give you a belly.


There is a bunch of information and helpful data that explains the process here.




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:grouphug: ! That class of medication can save a life -- only to trigger severe struggles in other areas (specifically weight gain). BTDT for one of my dc. Hang in there and, again, -- :grouphug: !


Asta, you are so very, very helpful to all of us by sharing your research knowledge and skills in the medical arena. Here is my personal "thank you" !

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:grouphug: ! That class of medication can save a life -- only to trigger severe struggles in other areas (specifically weight gain). BTDT for one of my dc. Hang in there and, again, -- :grouphug: !


Asta, you are so very, very helpful to all of us by sharing your research knowledge and skills in the medical arena. Here is my personal "thank you" !


You're welcome! I enjoy doing it and it keeps my mind moving. I still have TONS to learn.




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