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Ok I have 3 children: ds 5, dd 9 (April 17th), and ds 11 . Here are your two options:

Some background:


ds 5: full of energy, wanting to learn to read yesterday. Wanting to learn to write tomorrow but only the way he wants to no instructions please :001_smile:.


dd 9: wants to know all there is to know about babies, colonial america, princesses. She is a very good reader. She is doing FLL 3, MUS Gamma, and MFW ECC. She isnt all all interested in academics only what she has to do and then on to what she wants. She is good student however and easily finishes her work.


ds soon to be 11: He is intense about everything. He wants to know everything. He isn't as good a student as sister as far as the work. However, he can memorize and read anything within seconds. Especially if he likes it. He is really keen to start Apologia Science and wants to be a chemical scientist some day. He is doing MUS Epsilion, MFW ECC, R&S 5 and reading. I know that this seems a little slim on work but that is all we are doing at present.


What to do next year??????


MFW Rome to Reformation with dd and ds 11. Adding in Apologia Science and Rod and Staff 6. Ds 5 just fitting in wherever he can and really focusing on reading and having fun.


Sonlight Core 4 and 7 and Ds 5 still fitting in wherever he is interested.


The only reason really for considering Sonlight is that the books are included. I don't have the best library, it is 30 mins away and I am tired of looking for everything!


What do you think? Other idea? All opinions welcome. Thanks, Jeana

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If you do Sonlight, I would be more inclined to put both in Core 3+4 or Core 3, instead of having 2 separate cores. It would be easiest to fold your youngest into Core 3. Then you could beef up your oldest's science and maybe do a baby science study with your middle. Infant development is fascinating!

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Ok I have 3 children: ds 5, dd 9 (April 17th), and ds 11 . Here are your two options:


MFW Rome to Reformation with dd and ds 11. Adding in Apologia Science and Rod and Staff 6. Ds 5 just fitting in wherever he can and really focusing on reading and having fun.


Sonlight Core 4 and 7 and Ds 5 still fitting in wherever he is interested.


The only reason really for considering Sonlight is that the books are included. I don't have the best library, it is 30 mins away and I am tired of looking for everything!



I agree with Tengofive and would go with Core 3. One IG to deal with. You can always add in History Pockets, lapbooking or other crafty product if your dd likes that sort of thing. I know even my 11 yo dd likes "crafts" with everything we study--sigh. So, having a planned out Core makes your job easier. You may have to add in harder literature selections for your 11 yo, but most libraries have a good assortment of American History fiction & non-fiction titles.

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If you like MFW, why not buy the level you like and just purchase books to go along with it. There probably wouldn't be much difference in cost between that and a Sonlight core. If you look at Amazon or library book sales you can get a lot of books cheaply. Just a thought, since you didn't sound exactly sold on Sonlight. HTH



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The reason being that Core 7 includes the history my son wants to study and the Science text. I even considered Core 7 and CtG with MFW for dd 9 and ds 5. What do you think? I found on Sonlight website last night that you can just buy the books so that might even be an option. Thanks for all your responses thus far.



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My answer to everything is:


Have you looked at WinterPromise? A fourth and seventh grader could do: American Crossings, or Sea and Sky, or Quest for the Ancient World. Either way you can combine your older two and you have all your books provided.

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