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talk to me about Sonlight Science


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We are going to be finishing up Science 5 this summer and move to 6. My oldest will start Science 7, which is Apologia General Science. I like Sonlight Science and find my kids do too. They do most of it on their own. I do Science K with my littles and we do more reading then answering the questions(I use them for Narration). I think Sonlight does a good job picking books related to each subject. I love that they do Apologia in the upper grades. WE usually just have a Science book bin and read through the great books. The only think I wish they did was focus on a certain area each year, not jump around. IT gets a little more focused as you move up in years. Hope this helps.

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We are finishing up Sonlight Science 2 and Sonlight Science 4. Both are the new versions. This has been our best year of science ever! (In the past we've done BJU Science 2, Rod and Staff Science 2 & 3, Apologia Astronomy, and NOEO Chemistry.)


The books chosen are very interesting. The questions to answer are thought provoking. The science experiments with the DVD are wonderful. Seriously, my boys watch and re-watch the DVDs any time I give them a chance, LOL!


I recommend getting the basic supply science kit along with the grade specific supply kit.


I've already purchased Levels 3 and 6 for next year. :)

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This helps me a great deal.


It is my understanding the SL covers all view points from evolution to creation. Do they specifically have a view-point or do they leave that up to the teacher?


And another friend mentioned something about the "origin of man." ???? :confused:


Any other thoughts for me? I am really leaning toward SL & if I purchase a core from them I'll be able to go their forum & ask away. :D



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This helps me a great deal.


It is my understanding the SL covers all view points from evolution to creation. Do they specifically have a view-point or do they leave that up to the teacher?


And another friend mentioned something about the "origin of man." ???? :confused:


Any other thoughts for me? I am really leaning toward SL & if I purchase a core from them I'll be able to go their forum & ask away. :D




I've only done Science 2. The way they approach evolution/creation is to use (mostly) secular books. Then the IG has notes for the teacher that bring in Biblical viewpoints. Occasionally, the activity sheet has a question like, "Why did God create xyz this way?"

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It is my understanding the SL covers all view points from evolution to creation. Do they specifically have a view-point or do they leave that up to the teacher?



My son recently covered this in Science 4.


The book that the student reads is completely secular. (The Usborne Internet-Linked Book of Astronomy & Space.)


What the student sees on their worksheet:



Discuss questions 6-9 with Mom or Dad.




6. Do you think the Big Bang theory agrees with what the Bible says about creation? Explain. (pp. 8-9)




7. Does the Big Bang theory raise any questions in your mind? If so, write one here. (pp. 8-9)




8. If scientists believe that everything exploded into existence at the Big Bang, what do they think caused it? What do you think caused it? (pp. 8-9)




9. Do you think it's a better explanation to believe the universe came into existence as a result of the undirected process of a Big Bang or as a result of an intelligently directed process (God)? (pp. 8-9)


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