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MUS epsilon trouble

Holly IN

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ds is not a good math person. He does fine all in all except for careless mistakes. However he doesn't get fractions period. heh! I do not either.


I have Lial's BCM sitting on my shelf waiting to be used by him after he gets done with Epsilon. He is not getting it.


How can I help him to get through this?


How do I help myself to help him?


I do not even get how they come up with some of the answers. It is that bad!:confused:



So I need some help with this. He is really getting angry at me and himself because all of his friends are already doing algebra. I am getting frustrated as well over the situation but not at him though. I could care less what level of math he is in as long as he is getting it.





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My 2nd dd (a mathy kid) did Epsilon last year and didn't use the overlays. I thought they were the coolest thing though. And since I bought them and liked them so much, the few times she didn't understand something, I'd make her show me w/ the overlays. :)


If he isn't understanding the DVD himself, then you'll probably have to watch it with him and look at the teacher manual and get out the overlays. Really. We're in our 3rd MUS year (w/ 2 kids) and as much as I like the "Go watch your DVD and do the lesson, then bring me the answer key and I'll grade it" approach -- sometimes I actually have to get in there an do it with them!


I'm with Julie, it will make a difference (for both of you)!

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I would suggest watching the DVD with him. He probably needs to back up several lessons, if he's struggling where he is at. Even if he doesn't want to use the overlays himself, sit next to him and YOU use them. If for no other reason than they might help you understand the material and then be able to explain it to him. If he is not a natural math person, you should probably be hands on with this subject. No matter how great the instruction, non math kids will usually need a little hand holding on new concepts (I have a non math kid) . Whatever you do, don't push forward until he grasps the lessons that have already been covered. Hth,

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The program is really meant to be watched by the parent and then taught by the parent to the student. Though many parents (including me) just have the students watch the dvd, sometimes you have to use the program how its meant to be used. Also, although we haven't made it to Epsilon yet (starting next month) I've found that requiring manipulative use works wonders. My daughter really resists them, but it does cement things in her mind.

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I think you should definitely watch the DVDs with him, so that you can pause for additional explanation, and see exactly where he's getting lost. THe overlays aren't as big of a deal. I was just asking questions to get a better feel for what you were doing with him.

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I felt as though they took way too many steps to accomplish the same thing. For example: the Rule of 4 - this will always leave you with a huge fraction. I took me a long time to get my ds to stop using that method. I just went back to the basics - reduce the fractions (factor and cancel) then multiply - then you have a fully reduced answer and easier to multiply.


I am usually a fan of MUS, but I really didn't like the Epsilon book. If it were me, I would supplement with Key to Fractions series or read up in Lial's BCM, then teach him that way - you can still use the problems in the MUS book, just teach him the different methods. Just MHO!

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My mathematical dad do not like the MUS Epsilon. Too many steps unnecessary.


He rather reduce fractions then mulitply but MUS do not teach that. I may just go ahead and read up on Lial to see what it says and go from there.


I will go through the lessons myself and spend time on it with him. BTW we are stuck on Lesson 13. This lesson is torture!


Thanks to all of you!



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