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Free Time Writing


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Ds7 wrote a song in his free time a couple of weeks ago. He sang it to us, we praised it/him, & it has floated around the house since then.


Later in the week, he & dd had the watercolors out, & he decided to create an encyclopedia of space. He painted a beautiful rendition of...I forget which planet & wrote a fact about the planet below. He may have made a couple of these, but one is on the dining table wanting a home.


I plan to file both of these w his school work, since they apply. What I'd like to know is...can we correct them together? During school time, of course? Is there a way to do that gently enought that it wouldn't make me the worst mother in the world?


I haven't said anything to him, & it's just spelling errors, but...they're both FREE TIME projects. Is it fair to have him correct them? I mean, if it's during writing class & replaces some other assignment for the day?


I figure I should leave them alone, but...I thought I'd ask here just in case y'all want to give me permission. He does take that kind of stuff well, but...I guess I want to be careful. I don't want to squish anything, kwim?


Thank you!!

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I don't think I would touch them in case he started seeing them as "work" instead of pure expression.....I guess, if I couldn't help myself, I would perhaps show him a couple of mistakes, but I wouldn't make him rewrite it or anything.

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Counting my blessings:


1. I've got good instincts (I left it alone).


2. I've got good friends (you guys).


3. I've got a son who thinks it's fun to write (sometimes).


4. And I've got electronic :chillpill::chillpill:. :D

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There was a thread recently in a similar vein. I was one of the few dissenters. In fact, I might have been the only one. :) In our home, it's just a given that suggestions will be made. It isn't a critique and it doesn't even feel like a correction. It's a hand up so the same mistake is not made again.


Now, my seven year old made me a sweet card today and I didn't correct her spelling of the word "love". However, stories and such lend themselves to suggestions ***in our household***.


I admit I was surprised to be (nearly?) the only person on the WTM boards to have such an approach. ;)

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Guest Lorna

Don't correct them.

My son loves to write in his free time but he would certainly stop if I corrected his stories. What I do do however is make a spelling page throughout the week. I look at his free work and take spelling words from it. I would also address any grammatical errors in his school-time work.

My friend always said to separate the two (formal and informal) and her daughter is now a great writer. She has always written very fluently.

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What I do do however is make a spelling page throughout the week. I look at his free work and take spelling words from it. I would also address any grammatical errors in his school-time work.



Oh, this is a great idea! I'm not sure if I'm coordinated enough to pull it off, but it might alleviate the itch to "fix" it. Thanks!

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NO. Do not correct his free-time writings least you squelch his creativity and willingness to write when required. Inspire, praise, and let go of the spelling & grammar errors. As you teach reading & spelling along with doing copywork & oral narration, and finally dictation & grammar, all those errors slowly will disappear. But, let me state one last time, do NOT correct free writing.

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You all are making me feel like an ogre!


Seriously, it is not the death of a child's desire to write if you correct something here and there. It has more to do with relationship and the child's personality than it has to do with the correcting itself.


By correction, I don't mean that I whip up my trusty red pen and deface the work. I admire and praise it and then we usually move on to pointing out a spelling error (particularly if I have seen it before in their work) or other adjustment.


I assure you, my children love to write and they write very well. It has not hurt them to get a little encouragement in this area.

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