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I'm toying with selling my house and buying a condo. I found one at realtor.com that looked nice, so I thought I'd drive by and see the complex it's in. I found the unit, which from where I was sitting in my car, looked empty. I decided not to approach, since I wasn't positive no one was still in it. So, I backed out of the drive way and noticed a woman walking her dog. I asked if anyone still lived in that unit, as I wanted to peek in the windows (there were no window coverings, which made me think it was vacant). She said, "Oh, go look! I think they're moved out. It's a nice unit. No one will care if you look in the windows!"


So, I drove back into the drive, dd and I got out and approached the front, which has a sliding glass door. As I got closer, I noticed THE TV WAS ON AND PEOPLE WERE INSIDE! I jumped, told dd, "Uh, there are people still living there!" and we scurried to the car. I don't think they saw us; their backs were to the sliding door.


Next time, I'll make an appointment, take a realtor and refrain from approaching places on my own. Egads. LOL

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