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Anyone use Charlotte Mason Help?


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I found Lindafay's curriculum (she used to blog at Higher Up and Further In), and I'm intrigued by her approach. Has anyone used it? I'm thinking about using it for my rising 1st grader. I like the idea of doing both world and American history each year.


Really, I'm just still torn between a CM vs. a WTM approach, and I just can't make up my mind!



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Really, I'm just still torn between a CM vs. a WTM approach, and I just can't make up my mind!





CM and WTM are VERY easy to do together! They are very similar in style! I do both together, I am a CM, WTM, and VERY Ecclectic homeschooler. Go figure LOL


BTW, I WILL be checking out your link! Thanks!

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I guess I'm such a black and white thinker that it's hard for me to combine anything! :glare: I'm thinking I will probably do language the WTM way--starting with FLL next year and continuing OPGTR. However, I like the idea of all the little extras inherent in a CM education--the artist studies, etc. Too, I like the short, gentle lessons.


I've been greatly influenced by CM blogs, too. Jimmie's Collage is one I frequent and am so inspired by! Although I'm not sure I can pull it off, I love how she incorporated a lot of art/lapbooking/notebooking in her CM homeschool.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I combine the 2. I use WTM for Language Arts and Math. For History we are using MOH next year alongside several Living Books, same for Science. We are using CKEB 2 days a week and Living Science/ Nature the other 3 days. I use CM style for Art, Music and Poetry.

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I do mostly CM. We do use Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding for Science at least part of the year, which I don't believe to be incompatible with CM, and don't do Nature Study nearly enough :blush: Then again, we have had some marvelous experiences, so quality vs. quantity.


I'm careful to select only living books, and except for Math and Phonics, everything else is non-workbook. We do Copywork, Poetry, Picture Study, Composer Study, and Art.

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I love her blog. She has so many great ideas to add to our homeschool. That said I have never used her curriculum, because I like for our family to be learning the same time period, and do as much family learning as we can. LOVE that site though.


:iagree: I've learned so much from her blog - the boys all like their artist picture books (book of masterpieces I believe she calls it). I'm fairly eclectic - a lot of CM, subjects as outlined in LCC, 4 year rotations based on WTM (so everyone does the same history period and science).

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