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Drat....best laid plans.....Regina Coeli uses Apologia biology. Anyone have insight?

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I thought I had my dd's plans totally figured out for next yr. I was making last minute decisions today before registering her for next yr. I have no idea how I missed that they use Apologia for biology.


Of all biology texts, it is my LEAST favorite. Now I feel like I am left floundering without a back-up plan (unless that plan is me and I do not feel up to the task!!)


The double whammy is that the biology course is linked to Solomonovich's geometry (which I has also decided on) and you can't enroll in one without the other.


Has anyone used RC's biology and felt it was balanced? I have visions of bias and not an equitable treatment of different theories.



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Have you considered Scholars Online Biology? I'm planning on registering my son tomorrow (registration begins April 1). I didn't want to use Apologia either ... and I know SO uses another book. I can't remember the title, but I checked out the reviews on Amazon and they were very favorable. I'm excited about this option for him.

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Guest ladywhite
I thought I had my dd's plans totally figured out for next yr. I was making last minute decisions today before registering her for next yr. I have no idea how I missed that they use Apologia for biology.


Of all biology texts, it is my LEAST favorite. Now I feel like I am left floundering without a back-up plan (unless that plan is me and I do not feel up to the task!!)


The double whammy is that the biology course is linked to Solomonovich's geometry (which I has also decided on) and you can't enroll in one without the other.


Has anyone used RC's biology and felt it was balanced? I have visions of bias and not an equitable treatment of different theories.




If you call the Regina Coeli Academy office, you can enroll in their Geometry course separately. They perfer the block enrollment because their program incorporates a week off each quarter allowing students to prepare and review for exams. If a student enrolls full-time, they can take maximum advantage of the prep time since they will not receive new material to learn from outside sources during that week. That is marvelous and my son was able to do well on exams without undue anxiety.


My son took the Biology course and spent an hour a day studying. During exam week it was a bit more. We have taken courses from both SO and RCA. I much prefer RCA because the program is rigorous but not so much that my son can't do outside activities that he is interested in doing. He spends 6 hours a day studying as a full-time student. During exam week it is a bit more but since he doesn't have live classes or new material to learn, he has done very well. SO science classes can take 3 hours a day! Just too much time on one subject when we considered the rest of our schedule.


Lady White

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  • 4 months later...

I came across this forum in a search for info and deiced to stop and join it is so interesting. I also decided to answer this post as I am well qualified to do so :)


As the Head of Math and Science Dept. for RCA, and the teacher of the Biology course for the last four years,


I would just like to offer my website for biology, for the record.




The website includes reason why we chose this text, and how it is supplemented (heavily with online books by Pearson and Holt.) and used with a perspective that most Catholics are looking for.


I prefer a text book that does not treat evolution as an absolute entrenched fact and organizing feature of biological information and that is also respectful of creation AS an act of God.


I do not use Wile for any other texts than life science and biology because I consider his books "lite". But the pro-life perspective, and the respect for God as creator was important for us.


As for the Geometry, I teach that too, and it can be taken independently of the biology course. http://www.reginacoeli.org/mrsharrison/geometry



God Bless,


Sandy Harrison

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I would just like to offer my website for biology, for the record.




The website includes reason why we chose this text, and how it is supplemented (heavily with online books by Pearson and Holt.) and used with a perspective that most Catholics are looking for.


I prefer a text book that does not treat evolution as an absolute entrenched fact and organizing feature of biological information and that is also respectful of creation AS an act of God.


I do not use Wile for any other texts than life science and biology because I consider his books "lite". But the pro-life perspective, and the respect for God as creator was important for us.



First of all, welcome to this forum. Second: THANK-YOU for your thoughtful response! I went to your site and read your position on evolution. It is refreshing - and encouraging - to read such open-minded thoughts from a science teacher. :)

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I appreciate your link. I was one who almost lost my faith entirely because evolutionary theory was being forced on me (or so it seemed at the time). I have a wonderful, loving family, all scientists who despaired that I could even think there might be some truth to the Biblical Creation account and some untruth in evolution as it was being taught. It was ripping away at the very foundation of my faith and I felt very much tossed "by every wind of doctrine."


I sought counsel from a pastor who redirected me to Who Jesus is, and reassured me that the other questions could be answered in time. I had already turned from any career path in science whatsoever. But as I have a couple very science-minded dc, it is my heart's desire to give them Truth and allow them the freedom to pursue the Truth about God's creation without the "shackles of absolutism" you've referred to.


All that to say, your contribution is welcome here! And I enjoyed your site.



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I came across this forum in a search for info and deiced to stop and join it is so interesting. I also decided to answer this post as I am well qualified to do so :)


As the Head of Math and Science Dept. for RCA, and the teacher of the Biology course for the last four years,


I would just like to offer my website for biology, for the record.




The website includes reason why we chose this text, and how it is supplemented (heavily with online books by Pearson and Holt.) and used with a perspective that most Catholics are looking for.


I prefer a text book that does not treat evolution as an absolute entrenched fact and organizing feature of biological information and that is also respectful of creation AS an act of God.


I do not use Wile for any other texts than life science and biology because I consider his books "lite". But the pro-life perspective, and the respect for God as creator was important for us.


As for the Geometry, I teach that too, and it can be taken independently of the biology course. http://www.reginacoeli.org/mrsharrison/geometry



God Bless,


Sandy Harrison


option a couple of years ago. We have already finished biology, but your course looks excellent! Thank you for sharing this.

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Thanks for welcoming me. This is such an interesting forum, I wonder why I did not know about it before. You Ladies really have the low down on whats available and your reviews and comments are so helpful. I already have a cache of new sites and curricula to explore.


Since so many of you are doing on line courses, and there was a bit of confusion about my courses, I thought I would mention that we have several new courses starting at Regina Coeli Online Academy many of you might be interested in this year... I hope is is within the parameters to announce these late additions of courses to you here. The dead line for normal registration is August 15th, late registration after that comes with a $100 fee.


Physics, (I teach this course and have been preparing it for 2 years now) physics is my College Major, and I taught Freshman physics labs and problem solving sessions in Graduate school. I am doing a simultaneous track of Conceptual Physics and An honors Physics Class designed to help the student pass the AP B physics Exam. Both are algebra based prerequisite: Geometry and Algebra II (we do basic trig in Geometry)

This course will have a philosophical dimension as I am nearly done reading the The Science Before Science, by Anthony Rizzi. A marvelous book about exactly how to correctly think with science. I am also going to take bits and pieces from his new physics book and pass those gems onto students.


Michael Behe returns for the Third Year in a row to lecture to our biology students twice for two whole class periods of 1.5 hours. The entire student body is invited to the first talk, the second which is just entirely made up of student questions and comments and discussion with Prof. Behe is just reserved for the Bio students. His book is required reading in the Bio course.


Latin Translation class taught via email. Sister Marguerita is the instructor. Wheelock's II or equivalent is the prerequisite here.


Junior Catechism class: grades 6-8th. Father Terrence Gordon, FSSP, instructor. This is a class we have been working on for a year! We have always had a great theology instructor and set of classes. This is the first year our Junior Program has such a course. Text: St. Joseph Illustrated Baltimore Catechism. (It has been called St. Thomas Aquinas distilled) Father worked all summer on notes from Aquinas, selecting the most important pieces in each volume of the Summa and re-writing them in layman's terms. He will pass these on to the children.


God Bless you all in the up coming school year! May God grant all our children and families patience, perseverance, wisdom, and success in our endeavors !


Sandy Harrison

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