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best length of day for 2nd grader advancing 3rd


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How long is too long? How short is not enough? What's a reasonable time slot for a child who is NOT a morning person? Takes after hubby

(I AM a morning person)


10-12 cram it all in or 10 - 12 then 2 - 4 leisurely pace


This child wakes up happily at 9:15 AM. Will rise earlier but may be crabby.

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Three hours is generally all we need to complete the work for the day. I would try to accomplish as much as possible in the two hours before lunch--without rushing or cramming--and then take an hour or two after lunch if needed to finish up or to assign independent reading.

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That's what I do. 10-12 and then do reading, finish up other stuff after lunch if I need to. I always feel like we should be spending more time doing school, but it doesn't seem like she could handle much more. I have a 1st grader, though. Next year I want to start a bit earlier and do a little more.

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My dd is a late riser, she would easily sleep until 9:30 or 10 if I let her. However, I usually get her up by 8:30 on school days, so that we can start by 9am and be done everything except independent reading by lunch. That just works better for us. I can never seem to get things going again after lunch. Most days, we have about 2 1/2 to 3 hours of work. We'll probably add about another 1/2 of work next year for 3rd grade, but we'll see how that goes with a new baby around :)! Hope that helps!

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My son is like his dad and doesn't really 'get going' until 9:30 or 10:00... I have found that if we start with something he enjoys that doesn't involve much writing, we have a better day. For instance, today we started with Science. We watched a 15 minute DVD segment on the solar system, read a book, and worked on our solar system model. We were then able to finish language, math, and reading by 12:30.... under 3 hrs total.


Had I started with math or language, we would still be struggling through our day at 6:30 at night!

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My dd is the same way. We usually do late breakfast, try to start by 9:30 or 10:00 and finish by 1:00. We always have a late lunch around that time. She usually gets all of her written work done in 2-1/2 hours, but sometimes she has to practice piano after lunch.


Take care,


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We do about an hour and a half in the morning (skill subjects), and about an hour to an hour and a half in the afternoon (content subjects). If we get started especially early, we may do everything in the morning, but I like having our content subjects in the afternoon, so we don't feel as if we are rushing through them to have lunch, and we are free to explore rabbit trails, etc.

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