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My WTM "rebirth" and a thanks to Colleen in NS


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We have six kids and I homeschool 4. Oldest is 13, youngest is 7. Anyway, over the past couple of years we have done three international adoptions and one international move, so needless to say, life has been a bit chaotic! We've stuck with good quality basics--CW, SM, Latin, SOTW, WWE, etc.--and since I love math we've always been ok with that. But I've never really felt that we were doing school most efficiently and enjoyably. And because I felt so burned out trying to keep ahead of four kids learning indifferent directions, I was always sort of stressed and we never seemed to finish history or science.


Well, Colleen got me intrigued with her latest rantings ;) abouut SWB's writing lectures. So, I downloaded and listened to them and that got me inspired to buy the *new* WTM book (I bought both of the others, but managed to give them away over the pas years so I didn't have any), yes, paying full price AT A BOOKSTORE, just so I didn't have to wait for Amazon to ship. Read that over a week or so, going back over certain areas, taking notes, making lists, etc.


Well, today was the first day of the final (public) school quarter and I'm going to do my best to follow SWB's suggestions for the next 45 days! Today I did narration with my little two using a science picture book on migration, worked with my 4th grader on very basic outlinging using another science picture book, and discussed Homesick with my 7th grader and had her write an essay on the characters relationships (her choice, not mine). And IT WORKED! I'm so excited about what my kids wrote today and how *easyy* it was! I mean, I might decide not to try to fit in the CW mold with my kids any longer since that's so good, but so paaaiinnfulll!


So, thanks Colleen for getting me inspired and "reborn" so to speak! Anyone who's wondering around lost and frustrated like I was, go back and read SWB's book to get re-inspired!



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we have done three international adoptions and one international move,


And IT WORKED! I'm so excited about what my kids wrote today and how *easyy* it was!


Awwww, you are welcome, and thank you for the compliments!


Aren't those writing lectures wonderful??? They just make so much sense, and make things so much easier. I am glad to hear how things are working for others!


And way to go with doing *three* international adoptions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are blessed.

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