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Oh, the irony!

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My dh and I made our annual "escape" this weekend. Every year, for my birthday, we leave our children in the capable hands of my Bro and SIL, and dh takes me away for a weekend. We either go to a local bed and breakfast, or we go a little further to a historic hotel or natural wonder area.


This year, since he had "frequent stayer points", we went to the local Marriott Hotel. It is a very nice hotel, 10 stories high, all rooms opening into a center atrium, beautifully decorated, nice pool and spa, wonderful restaurant. Because it's a business hotel, we expected it to be nice and quiet, and nearly deserted on the weekend. I was looking forward to a weekend without hearing the word "Mom!", or having anyone jump on me (well, anyone under 6 feet tall), or anyone hanging on my pant legs, or anyone shouting in the middle of the night. It would be pure luxury. :001_smile:


Well, we checked in Friday night, and noticed there seemed to be several kids around (maybe 20). I made the observation out loud in the elevator, and a man told me there was a karate tournament going on in the hotel. Hmmm.


Well, I later learned that it was the USKA Nationals tournament, and I ended up spending my luxurious getaway (aka: escape from children) with at least 1000 children. At times, it seemed like there were 2000 of them. They were nice kids, for the most part, but they were like an infestation. We never got on an elevator that wasn't full, and didn't stop on EVERY floor. We were on the 9th floor, so every elevator trip took about 10 minutes. They were driving the poor lady in the gift shop totally nuts (really, it was the rude parents who bothered her most). There were a few kids running around the balconies until 1 o'clock in the morning, shouting.


I don't know where their parents were, or why their parents didn't teach them how to use an elevator properly, or why the hotel didn't inform me at the time I made my reservation that I would be sharing the hotel with 2000 children.


I'll reiterate that the children (other than the ones shouting in the middle of the night) weren't misbehaving. They just weren't supervised, or instructed in how to act in a hotel, or elevator etiquette, or a slew of little things. And, there were just so many of them!


We're home now. 10yods heard about all the kids at the hotel, and he said, "That'll teach you."


We had a nice time, and I only complained a little bit. ;) Dh and I had a very large, quiet room, with a big, comfy bed, and a widescreen TV. We shopped in Old Town, holding hands, and bought some art for the house. We reconnected on various levels. It was good. I'm sure the kids in the tournament had the time of their young lives. All is well. I just wanted to share.


Back to the grind tomorrow. Hope you all had a good weekend.

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In Columbus, OH on the first night of our two-week drive from Illinois to D.C. (etc.) and we HAD to travel on time (too many reservations all carefully lined up) despite the boys still getting over a tummy bug (yes, one did up-chuck in the van before we could pull over) and the motel put us in the MIDDLE rooms of a floor filled with a traveling high school basketball LEAGUE!!!!! We had ADULTS even, shouting and banging on doors looking for stray kids at 2:00am! No manager to complain too (or arrange a room switch) as HE went HOME at 10pm! AAARGH!

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Oh, honey. I know that feeling! For all 9 years of our homeschooling, I have appreciated the annual homeschool convention as *my* time to get away, re-energize, plan, shop for curriculum without having to divide my attentions, etc, etc. Last year, in the midst of our crazy renovation/moving lifestyle (that continues as we speak), I could not have looked forward to it more! *Ironically*, the hotel in which I stayed was...yep, you guess it....smack dab in the middle of *massive* renovations. :-} I even had workman try to enter my room 'cause they didn't think any of the rooms on that floor were occupied!!!! Oh, yeah. I know the pain. :-P

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Oh my! Workmen in the house is the worst thing. It's just so invasive! I remember once having painters paint my bedroom. I couldn't even sleep in there the first night. It was creepy having those men in my bedroom. To have them in your hotel "escape" room, that's painful!


How close are you to finishing your old house? Have you refinished the wood floor yet? And, how are you enjoying your new one? Once upon a time, I took pictures of my bathroom tile to send/post to you, but I never did it. :o Sorry. I wish I could see your home.

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How close are you to finishing your old house? Have you refinished the wood floor yet? And, how are you enjoying your new one? Once upon a time, I took pictures of my bathroom tile to send/post to you, but I never did it. :o Sorry. I wish I could see your home.


Thanks, Suzanne, for asking. (Be sure to check out my kitchen post earlier today). The floors are refinished in the old house now. We took them from a dark stain to a natural. The natural finish reveals some imperfections in the flooring but I do think it was the right thing to do. The house is so much brighter and feels roomier. Hopefully, the intended buyers will only have an eye for the fact that they are newly finished hardwood floors. :001_smile: I have about 3 rooms left to empty and then I can finish painting (the entire upstairs plus trim work). We'll have to clean the place top to bottom at that point and then have the new carpet installed. I'm hoping by the end of April we'll have the sign in the yard but you know how that goes!


Meanwhile, we are enjoying our new home even though there's still a fair amount left to be done. (Kitchen cabinets need doors, bookcase, pantry, and master BR vanity need to be built and/or finished, boxes wait to be unpacked, etc, etc). BUT, it is in a livable state and there are enough rooms completed (unless you want to count the fact that they need trim paint and electric outlets traded out for white) that we can find places to relax without being perpetually reminded that we're not yet settled. :-}


As for today, we await furniture being delivered for my 11yo bedroom. Since that room has had an air bed for over a year now, we are very excited to see yet another finishing phase take place.... :D


I'll be sure to share new pics when I have them available and I'd love to see yours!


take care,


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