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WTM ~ Newest Edition?


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I'm new to these boards and am excited to be here. :D


I have the 1999 edition of TWTM. Much of the recommendations I'm sure are outdated.

Does anyone have the newest 2009 edition as well as the 1999 edition? I'd like to know if it's worth forking out $27 (never mind shipping) for this.

Is the newest edition basically an exact repeat of the older version? Amazon doesn't have enough sample pages for me to make a good decision.


I must admit that I have hesitated to join these boards, since I sometimes find the TWTM approach very, very overwhelming. I know and understand that the publisher required them to list each. and. every. single. thing. It is my understanding that few do all that they suggest. Maybe I'm wrong ... WWE is definitely a very refreshingly gentle approach and not at all what I would have expected. We are loving it :D. Nonetheless, I can't help but feel overwhelmed, guilty, and inefficient when going through this book.


Thanks for hearing me out. :001_smile:

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I wanted to view the new book, but didn't want to spend the money, since I own the 2004 edition. I asked my library if they would purchase the book and much to my delight, they did. Perhaps you could try that.

We don't have a good library here, but thanks anyway. I still can't decide if I should get the newest version or not. :confused:

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It isn't an enormous revamp except in the recommended materials, a number of which had become unavailable since the previous edition. If you are looking for very current resource recommendations and generally use the types of products SWB recommends, I'd go ahead and spring for it.


If you are interested in her latest thinking on writing, for instance, or literary analysis, she has various talks available for downloading that many posters have said are wonderful to listen to and offer very practical, useable advice.


You will also find that in the talks and in interviews, you will find the more relaxed approach toward all the material in TWTM you are more comfortable with. There is a very real disconnect in my mind between the book's tone and air of ultimate authority (which as you say is at least in part publisher-produced) and what comes across in all the other materials, including her blogs, interviews, and talks: she is far more flexible, relaxed, and understanding of families' different priorities and needs. So balance what you read in TWTM with one or two of the other formats, and don't panic!

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I think the first edition is the best in terms of explaining how to do a classical edition without relying on a bunch of pre-packaged curricula. But I think that newest edition has (and this is just my opinion, so I could be wrong) the wisdom of ten years of hearing from parents who have been using TWTM, so I find both editions good reads.



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Negin!!! :hurray: How wonderful to see you here! (JuliaT on the FIAR boards)


Do not worry about WTM, there ae many people here who do not use it word for word. Myself included. When I enter a new subject or am having trouble with a subject, I go to WTM first and see how it is suggested and then I tweak it so that it will work for my kids. I use WTM as a base and then I fly on my own. This has worked well for us. You will find that many people here teach their kids in a myriad of ways, you don't have to use WTM exclusively to post on this board as it is on other boards.


Have you looked at the WTM site. There are quite a few conference handouts found on there that are very helpful. They simplify things for those subjects that are terrifying like writing, literary analysis. SWB divides it up in grades and it takes the terrifying out. Those handouts helped me a great deal.


I have the 1999 edition of WTM and I am hoping to get the new one sometime this year. I just want to have an updated version.


Again, I am happy that you are here. Feel free to ask more questions.

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I think that newest edition has (and this is just my opinion, so I could be wrong) the wisdom of ten years of hearing from parents who have been using TWTM, so I find both editions good reads.


Tara, what you just said is key for me "the wisdom of ten years ..." - think I'll most likely order it. :D


Negin!!! :hurray: How wonderful to see you here! (JuliaT on the FIAR boards)

:grouphug: Lovely to see you here, Julia. :D

I'm still amazed and a bit overwhelmed at the amount of traffic here :ohmy: :D. I've never come across any homeschooling forums that's as busy as this one.


Do not worry about WTM, there ae many people here who do not use it word for word. Myself included. When I enter a new subject or am having trouble with a subject, I go to WTM first and see how it is suggested and then I tweak it so that it will work for my kids. I use WTM as a base and then I fly on my own. This has worked well for us. You will find that many people here teach their kids in a myriad of ways, you don't have to use WTM exclusively to post on this board as it is on other boards.

Have you looked at the WTM site. There are quite a few conference handouts found on there that are very helpful. They simplify things for those subjects that are terrifying like writing, literary analysis. SWB divides it up in grades and it takes the terrifying out. Those handouts helped me a great deal.

Thanks for the reassurance and warm welcome. :grouphug: I have not looked at the WTM site recently. I'm going to search for their conference handouts. I'm more of a reader than an auditory person. Handouts are definitely more my style.


Hey Negin!

Good to see you here.

Thank you also, Jana. :)

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