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Anyone used Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding?


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We have been using it since January with dd5. I bought it for next year, intending to complete the science program that I already had, thinking it was a great, albeit overpriced, curriculum. When I started looking through BFSU, I got so excited that I just had to get started. It does take some preparation time, because Dr. Nebel walks you through exactly what you can expect from the children--from common misconceptions to what you can expect them to learn (which is a lot). I did see one person indicate that she thought the "great lessons" were packed into the beginning and they were not as good after that. I have not seen that happen for us, yet. Considering the very reasonable price of this curriculum, it is worth having, even if you don't use it as your main curriculum.


Here is my review of the program: http://myfamilyiseternal.blogspot.com/2010/02/review-of-building-foundations-of.html



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We have begun using it, somewhat sporadically, with my 4 yo and plan on using it more systematically starting next year. I am in the midst of writing lesson plans for it, which I'll post on my blog and share as I complete it. My older child who is very science-y also enjoys it and I can't wait for the next in the series to come out.


I do think that it takes some work to organize it in a more usable format--I normally don't like 'scripted' programs, but that's what I'm working towards with my lesson plans, so perhaps others will find that helpful.

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We used it last year in K as our main science program, and we had a blast, and I learned a lot too. We completed approximately 17 threads/lessons.


This year, first grade, we're in our 28th week and I'm just wrapping up our Nature Studies (6-week topical studies on Trees, Birds, The Human Body and Weather and Climate) to then transition into BFSU again and do 12 weeks of lessons. To tell you the truth, although we really enjoy the Nature Studies, I can't wait to discover what I'll learn next. I believe ds will be more mature as well (we hope, right? ;)) to review, understand and build upon concepts.


Normally I don't like scripted programs, and I don't think BFSU is exactly scripted, as you can word things in your own way, but I really like it in BFSU. Perhaps because I feel I need more hand holding in Science, as I do in Math. I'm also a relatively new teacher, and don't have years of experience behind me.

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I'm starting book one this summer. Books 2 and I *think* 3 are coming out this July-ish, or so he wrote on the yahoo group ....

I'm hoping to use Book 2 immediately after book 1.


Someone on the yahoo group has lesson plans already done FWIW in the Files area.

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