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Is it commom for a 6th grader to use Lightening Lit?


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I know that Abbey and a few others have used it successfully. I recently purchased LL 7 for my sixth grader next year. Her immediate thoughts are that it looks fun and easy. I agree but would add that it also seems very well done. It’s not easy in the mindless sense by any means, but yet it does seem simple enough for a sixth grader.



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Thank you all for taking the time to reply.


I'm eager to start a literature program with my children (upcoming 6th graders) and was hoping this would fit the bill.


I'll review the list of books again as suggested.


Thank you again,


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I started it with Calvin when he was in sixth grade, but we took two years to do it. The tasks are not hard. I would recommend looking at the list of books in LL7 to see if your child would enjoy them.




We are going to take our time with LL 7, if it takes two years.. fine.

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