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SL-Core vs. grade-level


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We have a whole collection of Cores (Core A-Core 4), and having done quite "a bit of each". We are now working our way through Core 3 and then 4...this time without leaving anything out:D.

If we keep up the speed we will be done with them by fall.


I am still, after all these years using SL, a bit lost about the whole Core- vs. grade-level debate. My kids are VERY strong readers. They are not very sensitive...well, yes, they ARE!!! ...but not sensitive in a way I read about on the SL-forum. There is really no topic in history I do not feel comfortable discussing with them...and we have yet to pick up a book over which they loose sleep.


So, I am wondering whether I am the only one who thinks, Core-level is actually just "fine" as Grade-level...?

Anyone who has used the Cores successfully even one year ahead of grade-level? (what we will probably do with ds in the fall, starting Core 6 in 5th grade).


Thank you for your help!

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We used core 5 with a 4th grader this year and it was fine. He didn't do all of the Eastern Hemisphere Explorer and he skipped one or two readers, but other than that he kept up fine with the core. He also used Science 5 and was fine.


After reading the other posts, I'm editing to add that I shared the above b/c you asked if anyone had used SL with a "younger than recommended" child successfully. We did have a good experience this year. However, I wouldn't say that it could be done with every child. My 10 yo is an advanced reader and isn't bothered by sensitive material. On the flip side, my K-er is having trouble keeping up with K this year. I agree with the other pp - each kid is different. :)

Edited by sandra in va
added to clarify
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Well, I've tried Core 6 w/ a 12 yr. old 6th grader and most of the books were pretty difficult for both of us, the notes were essential. I've also tried P4/5 with a 4 yr. old and the long stories w/ no pictures could not hold his attention, so we've put it aside for awhile and we'll stick to picture books for now. I'm using Core 2 now for my 3rd grader and it's perfect. So for my family I'd feel safer using a lower core than grade level. All families are diffferent and have equipped there kids to be able to handle different levels at different times.

Edited by Rebecca77
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My first graders are doing core 1. My young fifth grader is doing core 6. We opt out of core 5 (:tongue_smilie:) , which I own, and are just fitting it in as extra readers and resources. We do a seperate geography and culture text. We will be doing a modified Core 7 and 100 chronologically next. If it takes more time, because we tend to add lots in, then I might have to add the Lit. from core 200 for 8th grade, if not then I'm not sure where it will fit in. All of my kids are thriving at this level so it's working for us. I tend to be in the minority on SL and that is fine, every family is different but I don't think it should be ruled out.


Don't forget, in the beginning (;)) they were grades, not cores, before SL changed it. :001_smile: If it's working for you then go for it.

Edited by melmichigan
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I know many who follow grade with cores, but we don't. This is partly because I take far too long and go on too many rabbit trails to actually finish a core in one year!


My boys are 4th and 5th grades right now and we are finishing Core 3 (I hope) by the end of this year, but we are doing it quite loosely and skipping the easy readers completely.


I have Core 4 and plan to finish that up next year, even if we read only a quarter of the books!~



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