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All inclusive LA for older elem./jr high?


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I am desperately confused when it comes to what to do/use for LA to make sure everything in that area is covered. We have R&S for the kids right now and ended up just having them use a worksheet daily from the extra grade level materials and I have them write summaries etc. (Which is like pulling teeth). So I have really slacked here. They both spell poorly. They get the concepts and we discuss when something is not understood, but clearly I am not doing a thorough job.


There have been tons of threads on PR for the younger kids. Is there something that is all inclusive (except maybe reading) for older kids.. say grade 4 through 8? I am just not experienced enough to "find" everything they need and then schedule it for them. Our house is pretty busy and I would like something a little more user friendly. I have seen CLE mentioned, but always in conjunction with something else. Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions... I know PR goes on to LR.. IS LR all inclusive as far as an LA program??? And what ifi we havent used PR? Just looking to figure out next year. IS sonlights LA all inclusive? Sorry, Im really rambling now. I Know there are tons and tons of options. Thats my problem. I need simple.


IF you read all this, thanks for listening and I am all ears:bigear: I don't mind Workbooks.



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Thank you. I will look into CLE. and LLATL.. someone said that it was light? But I guess anything would be "heavier" than what I am doing now..lol So, CLE seems to be a favorite. Do they cover everything. I guess I should check out their website for myself. I would love any more suggestions. I will be using Sonlight 1&2 combined with 6 this year, so reading is pretty much covered. Off to check CLE.


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Guest aquiverfull
CQLA Character Quality Language Arts




I was going to recommend this one too. I'm currently using CLE 5 for LAs but the writing instruction is really weak (it's actually pretty much non-existent). We are switching to CQLA in the fall. I chose it because it has copywork and dictation built right in. The spelling reminds me a bit of megawords, and it has AWESOME writing instruction. There is also an Editor Duty, where the child must correct errors (similar to Editor in Chief). The author based it on several programs like LLATL, Easy Grammar, IEW, etc... It also has the great character study built right in. :)

Today is the last day of the March sale though, but you can get it from Rainbow Resource a little cheaper than normal price.


ETA: I also wanted to add that Latin Road is not an all inclusive LA program as far as I'm aware. I have heard of a few people who say it doesn't have enough English Grammar study. There would also be no writing instruction as it's mostly for learning Latin.

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I also would suggest LLATL and I have also used CQLA. The kids like LLATL a lot better and it is mu,ch less time consuming for me, but both are good programs. It is gentle and it builds on itself year after year. Read the reviews of moms who used it for longer than a year and you will see the positives.

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