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CLE LTR questions for users of this...


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I have a 4.5 year old daughter that is on lesson 35 of 100 ez lessons, I dont know what to do with her along with it and between now and 1st grade in 1.5 years.:D I have thought of Explode the Code with readers from Pathways or with just the BOB books. I plan on her going into CLE LA and CLE reading for 1st so I thought maybe I could use the LTR readers and thought about using the lightunits to help cement the concepts and give her handwriting practice, do you think this will be too boring or monotonous for her, or would it help give her a good foundation. I would use this for K. Also, would you recommend the flashcards or slider. I have two more to teach to read eventually and think that I will start them with the CLE LTR program to begin with, so the TM and readers will get reused. Thanks for your help.


Also, do you have to do CLE LA 1 with LTR or would it work to use the LTR then the LA. If it should be done together, then will a 5 yo be able to do it??

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Having only "late bloomer" boys, I am not much help about a 4.5yr old I am afraid. However the CLE LTR lightunits are very gentle, and would do a good job of introducing her to the program. The LA units are made to be used starting with 105 of LTR, and continue through the rest the year with 106-110 of LTR and the I Wonder workbook (contains 5 units in 1 book). If you waited until you were done with LTR then you would have 10 LA units, and only 5 Reading units to do for 1st grade.

Unless you think the writing part would be too much then I would suggest going through the lightunits, they are a good solid intro, with a child that young I think I would consider breaking up the lessons and doing it slower. Of course I don't know your dd so she might be just fine doing a whole lesson every day too. I've heard of people doing 101-105 for "K" and then the rest for "1st". I would think that would work nicely.


You can also view a sample lesson from each unit on the CLE website if you want to get a good idea of what all is in each one.



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I've used LA 100's and 200's and we're doing LTR with our early 5 year-old now. It's a very, very good, solid program - especially the LA for 1st/2nd/3rd.


I don't think LTR would be a bad choice to work through! There are lots of beginning writing exercises in those lightunits and that's what really drew me to that program. There are pages and pages of "write the first letter of the word that names this picture" and "connect the dots" and tons of handwriting practice.


So, good for you with 100 EZ - we tried that program and my daughter couldn't get through it to save her life. Then, we switched to LTR and she's starting to sound out simple 3 letter-words. :lol:


While you're working through LTR - for some variety...what about working through Hooked on Phonics 1st grade (it comes with a gazillion readers- we've used it before - it's nice) or BOB books.


Your daughter's going to be an awesome reader!

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I switched to LTR this year with my 6yo. I started him at LU 104 so I don't have any experience with the earlier ones. But for my 5yo next year I think I will have him do LTR LU101 through 104 along with maybe ETC (just because I own it). The LA doesn't kick in till LTR LU 105 and they are scheduled nicely together. I figured if we do this in K, we will not be pushed to do CLE everyday in 1st grade. I feel some of the lessons get rather long for a 1st grade wiggly boy. Unless my 5yo grows a love to write between now and next year, I am not pushing the LA on him in K. I may do some FLL because I love the poetry and grammar memorization.


I did buy the flashcards but only because I knew I wouldn't bother writing them out on the whiteboard. I did not get the slider because both boys can blend rather well. The word cards and flashcards are listed in the back of the teacher's book.

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We started our son in CLE Learning to Read around age 3.5. We just took it easy and concentrated on LTR, not much else. Eventually we added LA 1, but not at the same time as the CLE schedule mentions. It worked just fine!




Wow that is incredible! I have a 4 year old son and I am contemplating on when to start him with it. My 6 year old is doing great!

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The LA is a bit harder than LTR as it covers grammar. But you could probably try it once you get to that point and see if it works.


There is a lot of hand writing in CLE and I have to cut out some of what I consider to be busy work for an active 6yo boy. So be prepared to do similar. And I skip a few things that are in the TM as it gets repetitive. ;) But we really enjoy CLE LTR better than other reading programs we have tried. We use the flash cards but not the slider because I didn't order it. I love the phrase cards!


Another gentle program is LLATL. It has less writing than LTR and a slower pace. We used it last year for my now 6yo old.


(oh wow! this is an old thread that got bumped! I see you are using LTR already!!!)

Edited by jannylynn
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