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How much of the Saxon books are review?

Pam B

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How much of the Saxon books are review? Does anyone know? I thought I read on here or somewhere :D that they were all review up until the 40th lesson.


We're going to be working though the summer and going streight into the next book (after a 3 week break), so I really don't want them to do more of the same. KWIM?

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Some of Saxon's review is misleading tho--they sometimes cover terms/vocab that was not explicitly named previously, so there is new material in the context of something they already know. For example (and I don't have the book to verify this, but it's along the lines of this...), the student is taught way back in 1st or 2nd grade that you can do your addition in any order, but in 5/4 you are introduced to the term "associative property."

So, if you skip the first part, make sure there's no little stuff like that.

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Hmmm. Yes, we go through and learn ALL vocab- is that what you are talking about or is there more?




As for the testing- YEAH! That's what I was thinking too! I figured I would test him until he misses no more than 3 (85%) just to be on the safe side.

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