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Thoughts on DD's 8/7 Saxon Math~ (long)

Pam B

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DD13, is in the 8th grade. She is in Challenge A (classical Conversations) this year. Her math average up until Christmas break was an A. Right before break she got sick and missed a week. I'm not sure if her getting sick had anything to do with it or not, but after that, her grades dropped to lower C's and at times even D's. I thought she was rushing to catch up. So, we stopped and I had her first listen to the DIVE CD, then read the lesson. Next we went through and I watched as she redid all the lesson practices for each lesson she received a C or below. This took a week. She understood all, but the scientific notation lesson. Even that, she understood it after we talked it over.

Then she continued her lessons. She was doing fine, then her grades started dropping again! This time, I restarted her back at lesson 51. That is when the grades started dropping the first time. We did class daily, after she listened to the CD. Once again, her grades started out fine, but are now steadily dropping.

Now it's almost April and she's only on lesson 61. I wouldn't have a problem with that, since mastery is the goal. BUT her grades are not good, and DH is already worried that she is a year "behind". Since she's in 8th grade, she should be in Saxon Algebra 1/2- THIS year.

We're graphing the ones she misses (per lesson reference number) to try to pinpoint the lessons she is not getting. A lot of the mistakes are mistakes made by carelessness. Not adding properly, not looking up the lesson, not labeling..... AHH!


I just don't know what to do, and DH is making it worse as he is on my back about it.



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My dd13 is in Saxon 87 too. She also makes some careless errors due to little things like not adding or multiplying correctly. I have her doing Calculadders (a math drill program) almost daily to focus on those basic computation skills and have them solid. I think this is helping.


I also make sure that she reworks EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM that she gets wrong until it is correct. I wouldn't let your dd move on to the next lesson until she has actually got every problem correct (sorry if you are already doing this and I missed it.... ;) )


I also have a little prize (like a dip into the lolly box) for anyone that gets 100% on their math that day - that's 100% on the first go-through, not after fix-ups. There's nothing like a little bribery (oops, I mean motivation ;) ) to help them on their way.




There is a free math drill site online at http://themathworksheetsite.com/


Just select the 5 minute drill option under each operation title, then hit the refresh button for a new sheet each time.

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How about having her check her work, showing the checks on her paper. After doing this for a while, maybe she'll slow down and not make so many careless mistakes. Works for my dd. Is this the only subject she is having problems with? If not, is there something that could be bothering her?

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You can skip Algebra 1/2 and go straight into Algebra from 8/7, so don't worry about being a year behind. It's really and "either/or" thing--you aren't expected to do both 1/2 and 8/7.

Feel better now? :D


Whew! YES!!!! I never knew that!!!! :cheers2:

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How about having her check her work, showing the checks on her paper. After doing this for a while, maybe she'll slow down and not make so many careless mistakes. Works for my dd. Is this the only subject she is having problems with? If not, is there something that could be bothering her?


Nah, she's fine w/ the other stuff. I will have her check her work though.


THANK-YOU! :iagree:

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