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Would Videotext Algebra be good for my boys?


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I want a program that is


(1) Very structured. I'm good at math. I have no major math anxiety. But things always fall apart when I "wing it." I want someone to tell me what to teach, what review questions can go with it, what test to give, and when. Obviously I don't have to make my kids work every review problem, but I like to have them ready to go.


(2) I would therefore want to consider Saxon Algebra, except that I think my boys and I are all "mastery with review" type people. I think small increments would not work for us. We all have the kinds of personality that want to know more sooner and to dig deeper.


(3) If we have a video, the person can not be annoying. This is really a big deal for my boys. They loathed Latin because of the annoying LC woman. They can't stand Diane Waring's voice. If there are videos, they really need to be easy on the ears. We don't absolutely have to go with a video based program, and even if they use one, I will continue to be involved in their math programs.


(4) My boys are entering 7th grade. They are both strong on the middle school math basics. They have done very well and have fully reviewed all the fractions, decimals and percentages that they can stand. I am not wild about starting Algebra so young, but I either need to do a very challenging prealgebra or go ahead and start an Algebra program.

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We are still very new at VT. My son started A about a month ago. It has been mostly review and he's doing great. There is DEFINITELY no annoying voice!! The teacher is a man and pretty monotone.


From what I can tell, it looks like VT would fit all your criteria. I am hopeful we can continue with this - slowly, as my son is just 12 and at the end of 7th also - he's a young 7th grader, but a smart dude!! He finished all the 'pre-alg' math I could find for him. I figured this was a good way to go.

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You should go over and look at the high school board - lots of info there. I think a lot depends on learning style and if you personally find the videos annoying. I have a friend whose dd was having trouble in math and did VT and has been doing fine since, so she swears by it. There's someone over on the HS board who started a thread that's titled "I wish I'd stayed with Videotext".


But I borrowed module A from the aforementioned friend, and my dd *hated* the videos. They have a talking head next to formulas that pop up as they're explained. I have to admit I find that annoying too. Other people like it and do great with it. It sounds like the math is sound, anyway.


If you want some kind of video component, lots of programs Algebra and up have them. You may just have to look at them and see which ones click with you and which ones bug you - I think it's a very individual thing.


- There's Chalkdust that has a teacher in front of a chalkboard, used with Larson texts.

- There's Math without Borders which is a hand writing on a white board, used with Foersters texts.

- There's Ask Dr. Callahan(?) - I know the least about these, but I think they're aligned with Jacobs texts??

- Lial's texts have an optional DVT that has a person in front of an electronic white board, but the person isn't just a talking head - they seem more human and interact more with the camera/student.

- Teaching Textbooks I don't think has a teacher of any kind (or a textbook??), but is taught on the computer? I'm fuzzy on the details of this one too.

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I'd get a free sample DVD first to see. My dd found the Algebra instructor very boring for VideoText (but liked the Geometry one.) We didn't end up going with a video course, but also listened to a free DVD sample of Chalkdust. She hated TT (but we didn't listen to the lectures--it was too easy for her. My middle one likes it, but we're doing it with something else.)


What I did with my middle dd after she finished Singapore Math 6B was a Russian math program from http://www.perpendicularpress.com/ . The only drawback was that there are only answers provided for the first 4 chapters out of 6. She's now doing Life of Fred Beginning Algebra, and will be turning 12 later this spring. For us it's structured, but she learns by reading the book. Your boys would have to read it together or do it separately (or you'd have to buy two of them).


Another thought at that age is to do Hands on Equations, which I want to do with my ds next year.


fwiw, since our dc are all ready for Algebra 1 early, too, we do Algebra 1 twice with different programs. It makes all the difference between learning algebra and algebra. If your dc are ready at this age, then I'd do it, but bear in mind that not all dc will be ready to do 2 column proofs right afterward if they are that young.

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There are different instructors on different tapes. My dd did not like listening to a couple of them.


A few things to be aware of for younger children. I don't think their pre-algebra portion (first tape) is comparable to a pre-algebra course. It moves pretty fast and leaves out a lot that a pre-algebra course would cover.


The course covers Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 concepts together. I thought that the first half would be Algebra 1 and the 2nd half would be Algebra 2. This is not the case.


I also felt we needed more review. There were extra review problems on their website but I found out when I called that these are very challenging problems for kids who want a greater challenge. Not so much for review.


My dd was 11 when we did VT. She had been through Lial's BCM. We ended up stopping halfway through and using only Algebra 1 materials. The Algebra 2 concepts where too frustrating for her.

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