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We have time on our hands....


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Yes, I know, this is a great "problem" to have. Suddenly, things have just clicked with my 1st and 2nd grader and school is over too soon. With the weather turning nicer, we have been spending more time outside (and I'm going to keep doing that), but does anyone have any good or just plain fun ideas for me to add to what they are learning?

Any great unit studies you did that just took a couple of weeks that you could recommend? I'm sure I could come up with lots of ideas on my own, but I might miss something fantastic that just hasn't occurred to me.




2nd-WWE2, FLL, SP, SOTW2, Sax.3, Earth Science, Reading lots of books!

1st- WWE1, FLL, SWO, OPGTR, Sax.2, Earth Science, & Reading lots of books!


1 on the way!

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There are some fun geography options out there. Galloping the Globe might be a neat option as you can use it for as long or as short as you want. I found a great one from Rand McNally last year that I'm planning to do this summer.


Nature studies would be another fun thing, and you could let the kids choose from there with things they see outside.


Or you could learn more about a favorite author or illustrator's style.


I'd love to have lots of extra time... HOW FUN! Enjoy it!!!! :)

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-audio memory geography songs

-do a memory work challenge and make a list of things to memorize, build some competition!

-do a music study or start an instrument together

-composer study

-PE (ball skills, balance, rules of games they don't know, that type thing, bowling)

-bird and spring flower nature walks

-square foot gardening--A lady was just showing me this! You plant stuff in a mixture of 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 compost. You put milk jugs over them right now for little greenhouses, and you're ready to grow! :)

-art projects--Big Art for Little Hands, anything by Judy Press or from Enchanted Learning

-swim lessons. learn now, before the summer rush!

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Thank you for all the ideas - I have so much more inspiration to do some interesting and fun things with them through May (and probably into the summer, too). We did do some lapbooks last year and they loved them, so thanks for the reminder on that - we have to do some of those. Thanks too for the resources - that always helps!

I love that we have extra time to do some more interesting things. What a huge benefit that is of homeschooling!


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