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Phil Vischer (Veggie tales) does it again - this time with "What's in the Bible"

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Phil Vischer, creator of Veggie Tales does it again with "What's in the Bible" DVD Series. He has teamed up with Tyndale House Publishing to teach kids and families about the bible and walk them through it from beginning to end. I was provided the opportunity to review an advance copy of both DVD 1 In the Beginning and DVD 2 Let My People Go. They are excellent!!! Phil Vischer, along with a cast of puppet characters including: Newsman Buck Denver, the funny brother duo Clive and Ian, Sunday School Lady and her magic flannelgraph which talks and only she can hear, Pastor Paul, Brother Louie, cowboy Chuckwagon, and pirate Captain Pete to name a few, who together lead you through the bible.



Unlike the Veggie tales in which you could plant your kid in the front of the DVD and leave them to watch, you are going to want to sit down with your kids to watch the "What's in the Bible" series. James, father and I have already watched the dvd about a dozen times and each time learn something new.


In DVD 1 In the Beginning (covers Genesis) and DVD 2 Let My People Go,(covers Exodus) you'll be amused as well as educated while you learn about how the bible was made, how God inspired people to write the bible, the Septuagint and why there are a different number of books in the Hebrew, Catholic and Orthodox versions of the bible, learn the definition of salvation and redemption and canon and how God wants to rescue us from sin. Phil even tackles the question of the definition of what does a "day" mean and that there are some questions that will have to go unanswered.


The episodes are both lighthearted and serious, and geared to all ages. It will get your kids asking questions and have you heading either to the encyclopedia, the internet or the bible to answer. Each time James has picked out something different and wanted to know more - for example who is Martin Luther or why do the sin monsters look like little hairy blobs with teeth. (you see what I'm talking about in the video clip down below) Father especially appreciated the beginning when Vischer explained all about what happened when Big Idea and Veggie Tales had to declare bankruptcy, his legal battles, and starting over. I learned a few things about the Septuagint and the Apocrypha which, yes are big words and explained so that kids can understand.


I am looking forward to the rest of the series. There will be 13 total and each DVD has 2 25 minute episodes. To find out more about the series, head on over to What's in the Bible," plus check out Jelly Telly and to see what else Phil is working on, check out his site.


Did you make it this far? If you did, click over to my blog for a chance to win two gift certificates for both DVD's

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That's awesome!! I love Phil Vischer. My kids have grown up watching Veggie Tales. I saw the interview he did on his bankruptcy and it brought me to tears. He has been through so much. This new DVD set looks awesome! Thanks so much for offering a chance to win them. :)




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Ok, OT, but I read your post, signed up for the gc, & kept reading your blog...I want to join the wannabe writers! I read the link from your friend's site, but I can't figure out the Mr. Linky Widget. I don't see anything, & blogs are. so. hard. for me. I can't figure out how to follow, stalk, or be followed. :001_huh: :lol:


And I'm not confident enough to write about my writing publicly unless I'm part of some kind of organized group. So Mr. Linky is Very Important. (to me)


Please, feel free to reply here, pm, email, send one of those carrier pigeons. I'm not that much in the dark ages, but the wrong assumption does fit pretty well, alas. :001_huh: ;)

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Ok, OT, but I read your post, signed up for the gc, & kept reading your blog...I want to join the wannabe writers! I read the link from your friend's site, but I can't figure out the Mr. Linky Widget. I don't see anything, & blogs are. so. hard. for me. I can't figure out how to follow, stalk, or be followed. :001_huh: :lol:


And I'm not confident enough to write about my writing publicly unless I'm part of some kind of organized group. So Mr. Linky is Very Important. (to me)


Please, feel free to reply here, pm, email, send one of those carrier pigeons. I'm not that much in the dark ages, but the wrong assumption does fit pretty well, alas. :001_huh: ;)




Go here: http://www.sarahdarlington.com/2010/03/wannabe-writers-6_13.html


There should be a Mr. Linky at the bottom of the post.

For the wannabe writers, write up a post first that you can link to. Right hand click on your post title and copy link location. Then go back to sarah's post and paste in the Your Url spot. In name spot, type in your name. Then enter.


If still having problems linking, let me know.

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Go here: http://www.sarahdarlington.com/2010/03/wannabe-writers-6_13.html


There should be a Mr. Linky at the bottom of the post.

For the wannabe writers, write up a post first that you can link to. Right hand click on your post title and copy link location. Then go back to sarah's post and paste in the Your Url spot. In name spot, type in your name. Then enter.


If still having problems linking, let me know.


Ty. :o

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