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Value of Classical Conversations for Kindergartener?


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My oldest will be in kindergarten next year though she is old for her grade and already a fluent reader. I am considering joining a local CC group and am wondering if you think we should wait a year or 2 or take the plunge. They will be doing cycle 2. I went to observe and the kids all were happy albeit wiggly as it was a long time for them to be sitting and doing one thing? Thoughts?? Experience?? Thank you so much!

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I thought it was worth it. No reason your aberage young child can't fill thier minds with good stuff. I've posted before about my issues with CC- they do stuff "out of order" and I do like Living Memory much better. But, to get your feet wet, to get support, to figure out just how much a young child is capable of, I think CC is a good way to go.

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We are going to do CC next year, and ds will be 5. If I didn't feel like we need a co-op experience next year, I would probably wait a year or two when he has more academics under his belt and a context for the memory work. (I know a lot of folks who do CC don't mind the memory work being out of context, but I would strongly prefer that he have a basis for some of it first.)


In our case, ds does need a co-op and doesn't fit in with a lot of group learning situations. I love how that CC gets the little ones used to giving presentations in a very low pressure way. I love the "feel" of the group and the people he would be friends with. Even if all the memory work flies out of his head, I think it would be worth it for us because it is a nice fit for ds.

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We are finishing up our first year at CC and have joined for next year.


My eldest had just turned 5 when we started. There is a LOT of info to cover and I was not worried about her memorizing all of it- she is only 5 and she will get the info again in the future. It is laying down the ground work and she is at least getting familiar with it. It is hard for the younger ones to pay attention for that length of time and they do get a wiggly towards the end. Both of my girls have learned a lot more then I expected from them at the beginning of the year since we listen to the memory work in the car. My 3 yr old can skip count her 2's and tell you the classification of living things!


I think it was worth it for several reasons. We were all exposed to the info- even if we don't have it all memorized. My girls are making are making friends with other like-minded people. I was more focused and on task since I had an accountability group. I enjoy the support and friendship from our group.


I like the end goal of CC and where they will be taking the kids so we are going to keep doing it.


Hope that helps!

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I'll be the dissenter -- I wouldn't do it with a K'er. I think its not geared to that age. My dd got moved to an older class 1/2 way through the year, but her first class which was 5 and 6 year olds was not a good thing, IMO, UNLESS you have a tutor who really knows how to work with that age and not try to get them to read when they can't yet, etc. At that age, its not reasonable to have them sitting for very long, like you observed (esp. boys). I did it this year with a 1st grader, but won't be doing it for 2nd (even though she liked it). I want to pick my own memory work for one thing (I ordered Living Memory this week). Also, I dislike having a whole day taken by it (it wears us both out so really nothing else is accomplished on that day). I have to agree with a PP that having so much out of context bothers me too; a little is OK, but really most of what they learned this year besides some of the history was out of context for my dd. I'd rather pick memory work that goes along with things we're learning.


The people are nice at my campus (all the campuses I've visited really), and if you want a co-op like experience it is a good option. Make sure you are REALLY sure though, because you can't get your money back part way through the year. Also, be sure they have a nursery if there are lots of little siblings. One big problem I had with my campus is that there was no nursery this year, and little siblings in the classroom was a real issue because of the noise & disruption (for me at least, maybe not for other people).

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We did CC this year for the first time with a 2nd and 4th grader. We all LOVED every aspect of CC. I have a Ker who did not partake of the group CC, but had to do it with us at home. For us this was a good thing because he is a wiggle worm (the staying put for so long would have discouraged him). We saved money, he likes the CC curiculum, and has a lot of memory work under his belt. Next year at 6yo and in 1st grade he will be participating of the group CC. He is ready now.


Do keep in mind, my child was able to stay home with dad. If I would have had to put him in childcare I would have rather paid the extra amount and put him in the program.


Since your child is bright and reading fluently I believe he would enjoy the program.




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I wouldn't start with the oldest being in K. I prefer waiting until 1st or 2nd with the oldest. My younger ones have done it in K, but that's because I had an older one doing it. My oldest was 1st. Thinking now waiting till 2nd would have been perfect. Those early years pass so quickly.

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