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Buying a used WWE, teacher pages only ??


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I have seen previously that people have listed for sale a used WWE with the teacher pages only.... I was wondering what exactly are the student pages? Are they just lined pages? What about the copywork, is it written on the student pages or can you also find it in the teacher pages?


thank you in advance, all you home school mom and dad's who always come through and answer my from left field questions!



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The student pages are basically lined paper with a small cartoon in the corner that relates to the passage being read. You can order student pages separately from Peace Hill Press if you feel like you need them. My dd loved the pages because they had bigger lines than I had her using for penmanship. I wish I had made her stick to my own paper. The size of the lines does not decrease from WWE 1 to WWE 2 like you would expect. (I haven't seen WWE3 or 4 yet.)


The biggest issue is that you are going to have a book that looks "half-empty". If that doesn't bother you, go ahead and buy it, but I wouldn't pay top dollar for a book that has so many pages torn out.



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The student pages are basically lined paper with a small cartoon in the corner that relates to the passage being read. You can order student pages separately from Peace Hill Press if you feel like you need them. My dd loved the pages because they had bigger lines than I had her using for penmanship. I wish I had made her stick to my own paper. The size of the lines does not decrease from WWE 1 to WWE 2 like you would expect. (I haven't seen WWE3 or 4 yet.)


The biggest issue is that you are going to have a book that looks "half-empty". If that doesn't bother you, go ahead and buy it, but I wouldn't pay top dollar for a book that has so many pages torn out.




:iagree: I pass my used ones on to a friend. It works fine for her, since everything that you need is actually on the teacher pages, but it really isn't worth a lot of money. She uses it cause we live in the middle of nowhere and it's difficult and expensive to get materials shipped.

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It would work fine for WWE1 or 2, but not for 3 or 4, where some of the actual content is on the student pages. I actually *prefer* using only the teacher pages because the lines on the student pages are unreasonably large. This may even deter me from using WWE3, since it will be more difficult to use WWE with separate notebook paper. (Not impossible, but more of a pain.)

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It would work fine for WWE1 or 2, but not for 3 or 4, where some of the actual content is on the student pages. I actually *prefer* using only the teacher pages because the lines on the student pages are unreasonably large. This may even deter me from using WWE3, since it will be more difficult to use WWE with separate notebook paper. (Not impossible, but more of a pain.)


Oh no! I have been happy to have ds write in a separate notebook for WWE1 and do the same for WWE 2 and 3. This is really unfortunate. :glare:


The lines are way too big and it looks wrong if you have them write on half the line (because of the spacing).


Not only that, but I actually found a system that has been working really well. I have one of those 24 page Grade 3 Composition books (just right for grade 1!) with the soft red cover. What I love about this is how little room it takes up (because the pages are smaller and he writes on both sides AND I put his narration under his copywork not on a separate page) but the feeling of accomplishment that he is filling up this book!






EDIT: ALL THIS to say that I think you are better off buying only the teacher notes! I would cut the binding off and 3 hole punch the teacher notes and but them in a binder. :) That's what I did!

Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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Oh no! I have been happy to have ds write in a separate notebook for WWE1 and do the same for WWE 2 and 3. This is really unfortunate. :glare:


The lines are way too big and it looks wrong if you have them write on half the line (because of the spacing).


Not only that, but I actually found a system that has been working really well. I have one of those 24 page Grade 3 Composition books (just right for grade 1!) with the soft red cover. What I love about this is how little room it takes up (because the pages are smaller and he writes on both sides AND I put his narration under his copywork not on a separate page) but the feeling of accomplishment that he is filling up this book!






EDIT: ALL THIS to say that I think you are better off buying only the teacher notes! I would cut the binding off and 3 hole punch the teacher notes and but them in a binder. :) That's what I did!


:iagree: This is what we do:)

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