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Metal or Wood?

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What do you prefer for an outbuilding/storage shed: metal or wood?

What are the pros and cons of each?

If metal, what brand?

If wood, what type?


This has been an ongoing discussion between dh and ds for a couple weeks now. What are your experiences/suggestions?



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I did NOT plan to bump this again - but the ongoing *debate* between dh and ds is almost becoming hilarious in its intensity, not to mention studying websites and stopping at any and every place that even appears to have outdoor storage sheds. This is such a major decision with them! So I am asking again for more input - not only aesthetically but moreso quality, durability, etc. Maybe some of your dh's would weigh in on the topic???


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Wood. It is thicker than aluminum so it is more sturdy, sound proof, and better looking. Wood can be painted or stained to match the house. Wood will need to be treated for termites and pressure treated so it does not rot.


Aluminum on the other hand is cheap, can be attractive, and easy to assemble.


If money is an obstacle, go with the aluminum. If you have buckets to spend, go with the wood.

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A very current theme on this topic (surfaced a couple days ago) is the possibility of building the shed themselves, which would mean wood, and which they are quite capable of doing, and doing well. This has now led to discussion of finding someplace where wood is not so expensive to buy.:glare: So the round-and-round of wood versus metal continues . . . I keep looking at the checkbook, and the medical bills (ds is thankfully getting closer to the conclusion of the chemo), and hoping to see something here that will help bring closure to this topic!

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We've had both. Metal eventually rusts. And the looks - same as other posters.


If wood is painted with a good primer and paint, you only have to do it every 5-10 years. Plus, it's fun to experiment with the colors. And you could let young dc paint it for fun. Call it an art project for hs. ;) Not to mention the practice it will give them for painting the whole house one day. :D

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