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Should we quit?

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My boys have been taking piano for about a year. While they somewhat enjoy it, it's really a pain to get them to practice. (Especially one of my boys-it's really hard to get him to practice, the other boy will practice as quickly as he can so he can get it done) I do notice that occasionally they will go over to play a song just because they feel like it. However, our piano teacher is driving me nuts! She is constantly changing lesson days/times and just called me today to change this weeks lesson to another day and inform me she couldn't have the lesson next week because her husband has decided she should go out of town with him. Now, I understand things come up but this seems like all the time! Last week she tried to change days because of another issue and she told me on the phone today that she wants me to come another day because she wants to combine the lesson with someone else:glare:...

The method they play is Simply Music and I know that some do do group lessons, but we have had private lessons from the start.

What should I do? If the boys don't love it and could drop it and not mind, should we just quit? I'm really not a proponent of quitting normally and don't want to teach them that we quit things, but I'm really frustrated with the teacher and second I just don't think they are really into it so why pay for it, ywim?

What would you do?

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If your boys enjoy it at all, I would stick with it. Most people don't really enjoy playing an instrument until they become quite good, but it's definitely worth the years of practice to get to that point.


Can you find a different piano teacher? Your current one doesn't exactly sound too concerned about your boys' musical education, and a great teacher can do wonders when it comes to practice time. I had a good clarinet teacher when I was younger, and I was much more willing to practice because I wanted my teacher to be proud of me. :)

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We ran into a similar thing with my dd. I think a lot of it was the teacher, as well as the books he used.


What we did was let him go, and now dh is working with both dd and ds and it is PERFECT! Dh hasn't had piano, but based on a recommendation by a friend of ours who teaches piano (in another state) we got John Thompson's Easy Lessons, and dh is able to totally handle it. Now, he does play guitar and sing, so he has some musical background. I am tone deaf and couldn't do it.:001_smile:


The best part is, he sits with each of them, every day, for maybe 15minutes. Sometimes they learn something new, sometimes just review. But I honestly believe having him sit there so they aren't just practicing on their own has really helped. They love it. Now, dd will hop on the piano throughout the day to just play one of her songs. She never did that before.

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My twin boys took piano, liked the teacher, hated to practice. I don't hold to quitting, but I let them quit. Never regretted it. They both play the guitar beautifully, despite the fact they didn't learn piano first.


When their triplet sister wanted to quit too I wouldn't let her. Both my girls wanted to quit at one time and are very thankful I didn't let them. With the boys it was different. Piano practice was ruining our relationship.

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I had a hard time getting my boys to practice (they would complain and even cry at times), but now after 2 1/2 years one boy loves it and the other likes it. One thing that helped was waiting until dad was home in the evening and they would practice for him. I am really glad that we stuck with it. They have a good teacher that they really like and that really helps too.

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